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“You're really quiet today,” Zoe says, putting her hand on mine.

“Just in my head, I guess. Nothing bad though.” She doesn't know that I turned him in, and I'd like to keep it that way. She doesn't need to know that I'd helped to protect her, or that I’d been involved at all. I don't want our relationship tainted by any of that.

Even though I shiver as I think about his cold words over the phone. They’re burned into my brain and play on repeat.

“Hi, Damien. I finally got to talk to you. I know what you did, and I know what you want. You want Zoe. You think you can have her, but you can't. She's mine. When I get out of here, I'm going to get her back, and I'm going to make you pay for what you've done. So you have two options: stay away from her and maybe I'll spare you, or don't, and I'll get even with both of you.”

He'd hung up before I could respond, not that I had anything to say.

I'm certainly not about to negotiate with terrorists, but I'm sure that the police will find his statements concerning, especially given the nature of the case against him.

“I'm really glad we're spending time together,” Zoe says.

“Me too.” There's something about her that just makes my life better in every possible way. I enjoy the time we spend together and connecting with her on the level I’ve never connected with anyone before. The emotions she evokes within me are unique to her and make me feel incredible.

I bring the car to a halt outside the park. I don't feel the need to try to wow her with upscale restaurants or expensive experiences. I feel our time is better spent just getting to know one another, feeling comfortable, and enjoying each other 's company. And I have a feeling she agrees.

I walk around to open her door for her, offering my hand. She takes it with a small smile, and I help her out of the car. As she steps onto the curb, her smile widens. “You have no idea how much I needed this today.” She closes her eyes and tilts her head back, inhaling deeply as if to bring the essence of the sunshine, trees, grass, and nature into her lungs.

I grab the bag I’d packed from the back seat as she steps into the sunshine and turns to me. The sound of birds singing and the fresh smell of rain fill my senses and a surge of affection for her overwhelms me as I watch her enjoying the moment. She's so beautiful with her long curly hair and expressive hazel eyes. Her jeans and navy-blue T-shirt are casual and cling to her curves beautifully. The color compliments her skin tone and hair, and I don't want to stop looking at her or enjoying this moment as I pull the bag over my shoulder and close my car door. I lock up my vehicle and follow her along the path.

She waits for me to catch up and we walk side by side to a giant tree. I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her close. She rests her head on my shoulder and sighs contentedly as I kiss the top of her head and inhale her sweet scent. She smells like vanilla, cinnamon, and coffee, a mouthwatering combination I want to taste.

We move over to a picnic bench and sit beside one another. I offer her one of the individual bottles of wine I’d packed and she smiles at me. So I bring out the fruit and cheese plate I’d also packed and her smile grows.

“Somehow you know that the way to my heart is by giving me cheese.” She says the words with light laughter as she grabs one of the bite-sized blocks of cheese and pops it in her mouth.

“I feel like we haven't had any of the big conversations, like what your plans for your life are,” I say.

She swallows hard, her eyes widening. “That is one of the big questions.”

I offer her the little bottle of wine and she takes it, opening the top and having a drink while clearly contemplating my question.

“Well,” she says, clearly deep in thought as she glances up into the branches of the tree towering overhead. “I love my job as a vet tech, and I don't know that I could ever quit. But I would like to meet the right person and have a baby or two.”

She winces as she says the words, as if she's not sure she said the right thing or worries about how they sound. Her gaze meets mine and an embarrassed smile crosses her lips. “I know I'm a walking cliche, right?”

I lift both shoulders. “Well, if you are, that makes two of us. I admire your passion for animals and your job in general,” I say, voicing a thought I’d previously had but never vocalized.

“Thank you,” she says with a nod. “What about you? What are your dreams?”

“Not to lose control of my company. To find the truth about what happened to my dad. And also to find the right person and settle down. My cliche is that I'd like to have a happily ever after with the person who is perfect for me.” I’d never told anyone that last part, but it feels right to share with her. Maybe because I'm beginning to think she's that person. Or maybe because if she isn't, I'd like to scare her off sooner rather than later.

“I think that's sweet,” she says. “You really are an incredible person, and I enjoy our time together.”

She hesitates as she says the words and I brace myself for the inevitable breakup... but it doesn't come. Instead, her words hang between us, as if neither of us are sure how to follow them up.

“Thank you. I think you're pretty amazing yourself, and I also enjoy our time together.” At my words, she lights up and does a little dance with her shoulders before eating a grape and chasing it with another piece of cheese.

Once again, I'm struck by how easy it is to spend time with her. She doesn't seem to have expectations. More than anything, she seems to want connection and to just enjoy relaxed time spent together. And I don't mind not making demands on her time or dealing with her demands. She's unlike anyone I've ever met in the best possible way.

We laugh and joke and share our hopes and fears. We gaze into one another's eyes, and I feel a connection that goes beyond words. When everything finally comes to a close, I kiss her softly, tenderly enjoying the feeling of her against my mouth. And when it's time to take her home and drop her off, I walk her to her front door to make sure she's safe.

The whole drive home, all I can think about is her.

I don't know what I'm going to do next.

But I know what I'd like to do - keep seeing her and see if this spark between us is something that can last.

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