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Apparently not only was someone murdered at his company, but there's someone else trying a hostile takeover. Someone who will stop at nothing to get what they want. Damien had shown me a picture of the man and said that he may have seen me enter the building and might try to use me to get some leverage.

At first, I didn't understand what the hostile takeover would have to do with me. But he told me that his rival might try to cozy up to me for information, or to win me over, and things had cleared up.

I’m touched that Damien took the time to protect me and arm me with knowledge. I'm also a little bit uncomfortable that someone has it out for him, and by extension, might try something with - or to - me.

But it has been a few days and nothing adverse has happened.

In fact, everything has been oddly okay. Even my own personal concerns and doubts feel like they're melting away. And everything comes full circle back to me, being unable to believe how happy I am.

“You seem pretty deep in thought.” Damien slips an arm around my shoulders as we sit side by side on the couch in his office.Honestly, I think he might be the most amazing man I've ever met, and he's certainly a breath of fresh air after Jake.

Maybe I'm a little bit worried about what he told me about the sex club, but if that part of his life is over, what’s the harm in that? Honestly, it feels amazing that he's willing to tell me things like that. I'm glad he's willing to open up to me and share deep dark secrets he won’t let anyone else see.

“Just thinking about how amazing you are.” We've been talking a little bit about his father's death, and I’d asked why he’d been there so late.

That prompted him to respond too easily, “He often stayed late at work.”

“So it seems normal, but did you check and see if he had talked to anyone from the company that night?” Of course, my mind goes wild, wondering if somebody had called him in only to ambush him. And judging by the way his face lit up, he'd had a similar line of thought.

“I'll check and see if it’s something my PI can get a hold of.” I can tell by the tone of his voice that he doesn't hold out much hope, but there is a spark of curiosity there. I know that he feels like he's run into dead end after dead end trying to get information, and with so much time having passed every day it gets harder and harder to find new clues. But he’s resourceful and driven, a point I reminded him of that brought back that gleam in his eyes as we spoke.

I feel bad for the challenges and obstacles he's already been met with, but I hope that I can offer some fresh perspective and new ideas that will help him find the truth. Because whether his father was murdered or not, I know that Damien needs to get to the bottom of things. He's not going to quit until he knows for a fact that his dad was either murdered or died in an accident. And I'm here to help him see it through.

Even now, I think about the look in his eyes when he told me that night changed everything. I sense he wasn't too incredibly close to his dad, but he cares, and that's what's important. Maybe one day he'll tell me more secrets, but for now, I'm happy with what I know, and I'm here by his side to help him uncover the truth - whatever that may be.

Even now, there's something so soft in his voice as he squeezes my hand. “I really appreciate that you're here.”

“I’m happy to be here.” I'm not really sure what I believe regarding his father's death. I know that as far as he knows, there was never any evidence or motive for a crime. But I do know that I trust him, and if he believes it was murder, I'll follow him to the ends of the earth to help prove it and get justice.

I know how I'd feel if this was someone I loved or cared about, like my mom or my dad, and I feel a surge of sympathy and sadness.

“I feel very lucky that you came into my life that day on the cruise.”

“I'm trying to come to terms with the fact that alcohol might have brought someone near and dear into my life.” I can't hold back a laugh, and he chuckles at my words.

“So you're admitting I'm near and dear?” he says with a warm smile as he leans in and kisses me softly.

“Oh! We’re talking about you.” At my teasing tone, his smile widens, and he presses his forehead to mine. I melt into him, feeling his warmth. There's something so very intimate but comfortable about his company, and I'm happy when I’m with him. But it’s easy. Relationships have never been easy for me.

“I've never met anyone like you,” he says.

I exhale. “Oof. Do you mean that in a good way or a bad way?” In my defense, the statement really could go either direction.

“Definitely in a good way,” he says, before pressing his lips to mine again. My heart flutters and I kiss him back, loving the way his lips feel on mine. It's hard to articulate exactly how I feel about this man, because if I said love, that would be too much. But I definitely have a very deep feeling of respect. I enjoy his company. I like being around him. I'm happier when he's nearby. He makes me smile and feel warm and fuzzy. I honestly feel that, in every possible way, he is a positive influence on my life. Plus, his kisses drive me crazy.

He wraps his arms around me and deepens the kiss, his tongue sliding along the seam of my mouth. I open for him and our tongues tumble and play as heat begins to reverberate through my being. I want him, more than ever. But my heart, body, and head are all at work because my brain says it's too much, too soon. My body wants more of him, and my heart wants intimacy.

Behind us, out the windows, the sun is setting, painting the sky orange, pink, and purple. For a while we'd been up on the roof, inhaling the fresh, crisp air and watching the clouds drift by. There's a knock at the door and I feel him tense.

“Can we just say nobody's home?” I ask, my lips brushing against his as we speak.

He chuckles and kisses me again. “Better not.” With that, he stands up and makes his way to the door. But before he can get there, it opens, and I see the man from the picture. I try to stay calm and casual, relaxed on the couch as the intruder’s gaze leaps from Damien to me.

“I didn’t realize you had... company.” The way this man says the word company sounds almost like a curse. I can't help but wonder what he's trying to insinuate - is he implying something disgusting? Instead of being cowed by his words, I casually take in his appearance, starting with his brown leather shoes up his business slacks, his dark button down and suit jacket, his narrow blue tie that makes his dark eyes look devilish.

He looks like a dressed-up demon trying to make a deal to steal someone's soul. Everything about him makes me want to avoid him. Instead, I straighten up and allow for a slight smile as Damien watches.

“Damien, it's so kind of you to take on charity causes.” I stand up and casually make my way toward Damien. “Who are you with?” I ask Cameron, who seems confused... and annoyed.

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