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She leans ever so slightly into my touch, her body unconsciously looking for mine, and I breathe in the scent of her—the subtle floral smell mingling with the warmth and damp of a woman who is all kinds of amped up. The urge to taste her is overwhelming, to draw her in and savor the sweetness I know will be there.

“Careful is the last thing I want you to be,” I say, my voice a low growl that seems to surprise her as she considers what I might mean.

My finger lingers a moment longer on her lips before reality pulls me away – we’ve already been here too long. And while it may have all happened in a moment, every second it drags out, we’re raising eyebrows and sparking whispers. Yet even as we part, that static electricity remains, popping and crackling across my skin.

I shake my head, trying to refocus. But Isla's image is seared into my thoughts, a constant, welcome – if distracting - presence. I'll have to do something about this—about her. The question is what, and the answer puzzles me as I watch her disappear into the room of patrons, taking pieces of me with her.


The clock ticks, the sound almost mocking. As I shift on my Egyptian cotton sheets, sprawled across my king-sized bed in a luxurious apartment that feels empty, I wonder if she’s still awake or if she’s sleeping. Sleep evades me, chased away by the vivid memory of Isla's warmth pressed against me.

I toss and turn restlessly, the image of her smile haunting the edges of my consciousness. She fit perfectly in my arms, like the final piece of a puzzle I didn't know was missing. My mind races with strategies and scenarios, all aimed at one goal: winning Isla's heart. Not just getting her into my bed – that’s not enough. I want her to love me.

The orchids I'd sent were a classic move – elegant, understated, but not enough. They were supposed to bring a moment of hope, to signal my intentions, yet here I am, wracked with uncertainty. The flowers are just a prelude to the plans I’ve been considering for her. The problem is that I’m not sure what the best direction to win her hearts is. Then, things click, and I know exactly what to do next.

“Time to step it up,” I say to myself, throwing off the covers and pacing the dimly lit room. The city lights glimmer through the floor-to-ceiling windows, but they're dull compared to the spark I've seen in Isla's eyes.

A plan begins to form, solidifying with every step I take. I need to make a gesture that speaks louder than any flowers ever could—a declaration that can't be ignored. Now, what would speak to Isla? What would reach into her world and pull her into mine?

I have some ideas, and a slight smile crosses my lips as I rake a hand through my hair. It's not about the money or the flash; it's about the message, the emotion, the raw honesty. It's about showing her that she's more than just a passing want, that she's managed to burrow under my skin and claim a piece of my hardened soul.

I want to give her experiences. I want her to feel my desire, my yearning, all translated into something tangible. A date that defies expectations, one that strips away the layers of the billionaire facade and reveals the man who craves her touch, her laughter, her presence.

She’s not like the other women I’ve spent time with, I don’t have to temper her expectations because she’s after my money and not me, per se. No, I have a feeling Isla couldn’t care less about how much I’m worth.

Her feelings for people seem more tied up in how they treat her and others.

Excitement courses through me as the pieces fall into place, a plan so daring it might just work. Or it might crash and burn, but the risk... the risk is worth it if it brings Isla closer.

“Get ready, Isla,” I say, catching my reflection in the window, nodding back at me with steely determination. “I'm not holding back anymore.”

Tomorrow, I’m going to make sure to start this plan. I don’t have an exit strategy – which is very unlike me - but I’m good at thinking on my feet, and this will be no exception.

I need to start making her mine, because being without her other than at the bar, feeling her in my arms for fleeting moments only… it’s torture. I need her until I can get her out of my system, out of my blood.

I don’t know how I’ll do that part yet, but I’ll focus on what I do know how to do – seduce her and make her mine.

Chapter Fourteen


My eyelids feel like they weigh a million pounds. All the weight of a so-far sleepless night tugs them down, but my brain won’t rest.

I roll onto my side, staring into the darkness. The moment replays in my mind – Walker's arms steadying me, his breath grazing my cheek. It's like a looped film, one I can't shut off even if I wanted to.

The warmth of him lingers on my skin, a tingling sensation that stirs a longing deep within my core. What am I doing? I tell myself off for the hundredth time. Walker, with his troubled past and devil-may-care attitude, is hardly the prince I envisioned awakening my desires and being my first. But then, the “princes” I’ve met so far don't make my heart race with just a glance. Of course, there’s just the one and he was more of a monster than Prince Charming, to be honest.

With a groan, I push away the tangled sheets and swing my legs over the edge of the bed. My toes touch the cold floor like I’m testing a pool to see if I can jump in or not. The cold helps ground me in reality.

Not sure what to do, I shuffle to my desk, flipping open my laptop with a sense of foreboding. My test results should be in now – so I can put one fear to rest or ramp it up by just checking.

Blinking at the bright screen, I wait for the page to load, then wonder if my blurry eyes are messing with me. There it is – the bright 'A' displayed on my test results. A smile tugs at the corner of my lips, a rare moment of pride swelling in my chest. It's a small victory, but mine all the same.

The clock ticks a rhythm as restless as I feel while I wander around my tiny room, each step measured, contradicting the chaos in my mind. The clock says I might as well just give up on sleep and get up. So, I make my way into the bathroom, ready to wash away the disappointment of not sleeping and bringing in a fresh feeling that focuses on my accomplishments. I got an A!

In the shower, droplets of warm water patter against my skin, washing away the last bit of sleepiness from the restless night.

Once I’m clean, I dress with more thought than usual. I select a pretty burnt orange blouse that’s stitched in a way that gathers at my waist and shows off my naturally slim figure without bringing too much attention to my not-so-big chest. The soft jeggings I choose are black and hug the curve of my hips and flatter me in all the right places.

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