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“Okay, I’m game. What is it?”

“I’d like to set up a foundation that liaises with companies who build accessible housing for veterans. I was thinking you might come up with some conversion plans for both houses and apartments and we could find construction companies in different areas to implement and adjust them for individual homes, at a deeply discounted rate. And Asher can also find the veterans a companion. It would be a different way of helping veterans.”

Dana sat up straight on the couch. “What a great idea. I love it!”

“Good. I’ve been thinking about it and researching it a bit.”

“I have another idea, but I don’t know if you’ll go for it,” Dana said. She’d been thinking for a couple of months now and had a plan of sorts.

“Okay, what?”

“What if we convert Asher’s rooms into a separate apartment, with an entrance of its own and a small kitchen? That way the tenant could have their privacy and so could we. It just seems criminal to waste such a perfect place for a recovering veteran. And I think we could do it fairly quickly and easily with Harlan’s help.”

“It’s an interesting idea. Tell me more.”

“I think it could be temporary housing, until a more permanent home can be made ready. But they would live here rent-free. As you know, there are a number of veterans’ support organizations nearby, as well as the medical communities in San Antonio and even closer, in Last Stand.”

“I like it. It fits well with my idea.”

“Yes, and we could not only house the veteran but a shelter animal too.”

“Because we don’t have enough dogs and donkeys?” Levi asked.

“You know you love them,” she said, staring pointedly at Levi who was petting their latest acquisition, a three-legged mutt named Albert. They’d almost gotten one of Maggie’s puppies but Asher had found homes with veterans for all of them except one to keep Maggie company. “And Buster and Lady are great therapy pets. Everyone who sees them loves them. The tenant could help care for them.”

“You know I can’t refuse you.”

“Good,” she said with satisfaction. “I’ll get started on finishing the apartment conversion today. But, Levi, can you easily change the apartment’s virtual assistant voice? We might have a female veteran who wants a male’s voice.”

“I think so. I can work on it. In fact, I’ll come up with several male and female that they can choose from.”

“Perfect.” She leaned over and kissed him. “I’ve got something to tell you. Another addition to our family.”

“We’re not getting another donkey, are we?”

“No, not a donkey. And not a shelter animal either.”

Levi looked puzzled for a minute and then his eyes widened. “You’re pregnant?”

“I am. Are you okay with that?” she asked somewhat anxiously. Before they got married they’d talked about children and though Levi had some reservations due to his childhood, he’d agreed that he wanted them. But she was still apprehensive about his reaction. They hadn’t been trying but they hadn’t been super careful about birth control either. Consequently, she was pregnant.

“A baby. We’re having a baby.” He was quiet for a minute, then said, “You’ll be a great mother.”

“And you’ll be a great father.”

“I hope so. But our child will be incredibly lucky to have a mother like you.”

“We’re all lucky. We found each other again and now we’re having a child to celebrate our good fortune.”

“A child is a celebration. That’s a good way to think of it.” He kissed her again. “I love you, Dana.”

“And I love you.”

Honestly, what more could she ask for? Levi, a fulfilling job, a bundle of animals to love and now a baby. She was an amazingly lucky woman.

The End

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