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“Yeah.” He looked at her and grinned. “Your mascara is running.”

“Really? Shocking. I wasn’t planning on swimming. You can let go now.”

“I could.” He held her a little tighter. “God, you’re pretty.”

“I’m sure I look great with black streaks running down my face.”

“Funny thing is, you do.” Damn, her mouth was made for kissing. He knew that from experience. An experience he wanted to have again. And again.

“Levi—” Her arms tightened around his neck. “This is so dumb,” she said in a low voice.

“Maybe. But I don’t care. Do you?”

She gazed into his eyes. And then she kissed him. Her mouth was soft and warm. Her tongue touched his, retreated, touched again. Levi groaned and allowed himself to deepen the kiss. She tasted so damn good. Exactly like he remembered. Sexy. Spicy. With a hint of sweetness she liked to pretend she didn’t possess. He lifted his mouth from hers. “God, Dana, I want you so much. I think I always will.”

“I know,” she whispered. “I know.”

Levi kissed her, sank his hand in her wet hair and angled her head for better access to that luscious mouth.

Someone cleared his throat. “Uh, Levi?”

They both ignored it. He said it again, more loudly this time. “Levi.”

Levi raised his head and turned around to snarl at whoever the hell had interrupted the best thing to happen to him in more than eight long, endless months. It was Rocky, the crew foreman and he was clearly working hard to hold back his laughter. “What’s wrong, Rocky?”

“Got a little problem with the plumbing. Thought you might want to check it out and see what you think needs replacing.”

“Is it the original plumbing?” Some of the plumbing had been updated, though not much of it.

“Yep,” Rocky answered.

Yeah, probably the whole shebang would need replacing. “I’ll be there in a minute,” Levi told him. That was the problem when you knew a little bit about everything. Someone was always asking you to check out something.

“I won’t hold my breath.” Rocky left, chuckling.

“That’s why I came out here,” Dana said. “To ask you what kind of shower you wanted and if you wanted one of those tubs that are walk-in too. And to tell you Rocky needed you to look at something. But someone distracted me. I guess Rocky got tired of waiting.”

“I guess so. Let’s go see.” He let go of Dana and swam to the side. Boosted himself out of the water and held out a hand to Dana, who’d followed him.

“I’m sure it’s escaped your notice but I don’t have any dry clothes.”

“I’ll find you something to wear while your clothes dry.”

“Oh, thank you. I can’t wait to see what that is.” She took his hand and yanked hard. Levi lost his balance and fell in.

“Payback?” Levi asked when he came up.

Dana had gotten out of the pool and grabbed a couple of towels. “You owe me a new pair of shoes. I’m going home. I may or may not be back. And if you think that’s all the payback you’re getting, you have another think coming.”

What a woman, he thought, watching her go.

Chapter Seven

That same evening Levi was back in his den listening to music when his phone went off, letting him know someone was at the door. He wasn’t expecting anyone but thought it might be Zack or Travis wanting to play a game of pool. Except they’d both be busy with their women, unless Tobi was working.

He opened the door. Dana stood on his doorstep. He’d last seen her dripping wet and mad as hell. But now…wow was all he could think.

She wore a long-sleeved, short black dress with a low-cut square neckline. It was tight and fitted, and it hugged every one of her mouthwatering curves. Her legs went on forever, ending in a sexy pair of barely there strappy black sandals. He stared at her, unmoving. She’s trying to kill me.

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