Page 11 of Texas Cowgirl

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Nate signaled the waitress who came and took their order. As soon as she had, Nate said, “All right. Let’s go, but don’t think I’ve forgotten that you always beat the snot out of me.”

She smiled sweetly. “That’s the point.”

Playing pool put her in a good mood. She’d played a lot in college and still maintained a decent game. She was friends with Ariana Kelly and played occasionally on the Kellys’ fantastic antique pool table. And of course, she played at Booze’s almost every time she came in.

“You’ve been working on your game,” she said to Nate after they finished the first game. Damaris had still won, but she’d had to put more effort into it.

“I got tired of you kicking my ass. You can still beat me, but you have to admit I’ve gotten better.”

“You have. I bet our food is ready.”

They went back to their table and ate. After they finished Nate asked her if she wanted another beer, but she turned him down.

“Do you still want to see how Iris handles?”

“You mean how you handle her? But you’re not going back on your promise, are you? I still get to drive her, right?”

“When have I ever not kept a promise to you?”

Thinking back, she had to admit he had a point. “Okay, let’s go.”

On the way out he took her hand and she almost snatched it back before she remembered. “Don’t you think there’s been enough PDA?” she whispered.

“I’m holding your hand, Damaris. That’s hardly a public display of affection. Unlike this.” They stepped into the vestibule and he leaned down and kissed her. It didn’t last long and shouldn’t have been a big deal. It wasn’t a big deal…except that it made her want more.

“No one could even see that,” she complained as they walked to his car.

“Sure they could. If they were looking. We just want enough talk to get around so my grandma hears about us. Nothing too obvious.”

“Why kiss me if you don’t want to be too obvious?”

He opened her car door. He’d left the top down. No sense locking a convertible. Besides, this was Whiskey River. Very low crime rate unless you were in the heart of the Barrels.

“Why did I kiss you?” He smiled at her. “Because I like to.”


He’d rendered Damaris speechless, which wasn’t easy to do. Satisfied, he put the car in gear and headed to the Walker ranch. She didn’t say anything, but she shot him a lot of sideways, suspicious glances.

There were a couple of roads near the ranch where he could open Iris up. “Ready?”

“Hit it,” she said.

Zero to sixty in 3.5 seconds. He’d taken the top down and Damaris’s hair whipped around her face. She laughed and dug in her purse, coming up with a band to pull her hair back. Too bad, because he really liked her hair loose. He slowed down a bit and asked, “What do you think?”

“Smooth as a baby’s bottom.”

“I wouldn’t go that far, but she runs a lot smoother now. Had enough?”

“No, but if you’re taking me again soon I guess we can go.”

When they reached the ranch, he drove down to the cottage and parked. “How do you like living in the cottage?”

“I like it. I was kinda afraid I wouldn’t but it’s nice being on my own sometimes. Of course, I still eat most meals at the house so I’m not totally on my own,” she added with a laugh.

Nate got out and walked her to the door. “Do you want to come in?”

“Thanks, but I have an early flight tomorrow.”

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