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He laughed.

“Where are we going? There’s not a bar—Wait a minute. You’re going to my apartment. Aren’t you?” she demanded.

“Yes. And you’ll thank me in the morning.”

“I’m not going home. Stop the truck. I’m getting out.”

“The hell you are.”

She started wrestling with her seat belt but luckily she couldn’t get it unfastened. “I don’t wanna go home.” She sucked in a breath, which sounded suspiciously like a sob. “I never do anything fun. Please don’t take me home, Zack.”

Well, shit. Now he felt like a turd. He took the next left, heading away from her apartment. She noticed and beamed at him. “You’re so nice. I knew you wouldn’t make me go home.” She patted his arm. “Where are we going?”

“I’m taking you to my place.”

She thought that over. “Do you have any tequila?”

“No. Besides, you don’t need any more to drink. You’re already going to feel like hell tomorrow.”

“Are you taking me to your apartment so you can have your way with me?”

An image of doing everything he wanted to her and with her popped into his head. Don’t even think about it. He shot her an irritated glance. “No. I’m taking you there so I can strangle you.”

She laughed. “You wouldn’t do that. Would you?”

He sighed. “No. I wouldn’t harm a hair on your pretty head.”

“You just said I was pretty.”

“You are pretty. In fact, you’re beautiful. Which you know.” He pulled into the covered parking in front of his set of apartments and stopped the truck. “Are you sure you won’t go home?”

“No, I want to see your apartment.”

He swore under his breath, got out and went around to her door. No way could she get out on her own. Once he had her untangled from the seat belt, he handed her her purse, scooped her up and set her on her feet on the concrete. She latched on to his arm.

“Can you walk?”

“Course I can walk. I can walk perfectly well.” She let go of his arm and took a few unsteady steps. “See?”

Perfectly well was stretching it but she was walking. He grabbed her hand, just in case.

“Zack, if you think I’m pretty…why don’t you want to have your way with me?” she asked as he towed her along.

Hell, she’s not going to remember any of this. He stopped, pulled her up against him and kissed her. She tasted like tequila, but sweeter. He felt her hesitation at first but then she slid her arms around his neck and melted against him, kissing him back. Their tongues touched, retreated, touched again. He ran his tongue over her teeth, inside her mouth and finally let her go.

She stared up at him with her arms still around his neck. “Wow. That was…wow. Does this mean you do want to have your way with me?”

Zack opened the door to his apartment and pushed her inside. “It means I want to make love to you any way I can get you but I’m not going to do it when you’re drunk.” If he thought that would shut her up he was wrong.

“I’m not drunk,” she insisted. “I only had two drinks.”

“Two and a half. Honey, you are completely blitzed. Sit down and I’ll bring you some water.”

“I’d rather have tequila,” she said, and sat on the couch.

“Dream on,” Zack told her. In the kitchen he took a minute to get his shit together. Damn, this was not how he’d envisioned their first date. But then, it wasn’t a date. More of a rescue mission. Not that Laurel thought she needed rescuing.

“Whatcha doin’?”

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