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“All right, thank you. Is there anything else?”

“Not business wise. Personally, yes.”

“Meaning what?”

“Don’t look so suspicious. I only meant this has nothing to do with your job. Will you go to dinner with me this weekend?”

Now why the hell did she look shocked? After what he’d told her this morning, she had to know he was interested in her.

“But…you’re my boss now.”

“No, technically I’m your client. Or rather, the airport is.” He wondered what was running through her head.

“I would love to,” she finally said. “Which night?”

“Whatever is better for you.”

“Saturday. I still have my Saturday night sitter. Although she’s been extremely undependable recently.”

“Let’s hope she makes it this Saturday.” Feeling pretty cheerful about his prospects, he got up to leave. Laurel walked him to the door.

“Before you go, there’s something I’ve been wondering about,” Laurel said.

“What’s that?”

She stepped close to him and put her arms around his neck. “This,” she said, and kissed him.

Surprised, he hesitated a moment before gathering her closer and returning the kiss. She smelled good and tasted even better. He let her set the pace, since she had initiated it, but he had to tamp down on the urge to take control. It started out slowly, a get-to-know-you kiss, but it didn’t take long for it to turn hotter. Her arms tightened around his neck as she took the kiss deeper. Their tongues met, their bodies strained together, he slanted his mouth over hers and indulged them both.

She broke the kiss but stayed within his arms. “Not that I mind,” he said, looking down at her and thinking how pretty she was, “but what was that for?”

“I wanted to kiss you when I was sober. To see if those kisses were really as good as I remembered.”

“Were they?”

She gave him a saucy look. “Better,” she said, and stepped out of his arms.


Laurel called Zacklate Saturday afternoon. “I have to cancel tonight. I can’t find a babysitter.” She could have asked her brothers but she tried to save them for emergencies only, unless they specifically asked to have the kids. But she’d really been looking forward to seeing Zack again.

“We don’t have to call it off,” Zack said. “We’ll just change where we were going to eat and take the kids with us.”

“You can’t possibly want to go to dinner with my children.”

“Why not?”

“Because…well, they’re four and six, for one thing.”

“I know. I’ve met them before, with Travis.” He waited a moment and said, “Are you trying to get out of going? If so, just tell me. You don’t have to think up an excuse.”

“No, that’s not it at all. But…have you ever been to dinner with a six-year-old and a four-year-old?”

“I have friends with kids,” he protested.

“And I’m betting you don’t go out to dinner with the kids, do you?”

“Not usually.”

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