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“Of course,” he said, placing the bottle back on the table. He linked his hands and tapped his lips, his eyes focused steadily on hers. He didn’t want to miss a moment of her expressive eyes. “Is there anything else I can get you?” The words rose unprompted because he really wanted to please this woman. He only realized the possible sexual overtones when he saw a deep blush rise in her cheeks.

But her gaze didn’t waver. She shook her head. “I don’t think so.”

He liked the uncertainty in her voice. He raised an eyebrow in query. “Are you sure?”

She cleared her throat and echoed his pose. That was a good sign. “What are you offering?” Was it his imagination or had her voice lowered slightly, become sexier?

“Well,” he said, feeling the connection with her in the pit of his stomach. Physical and mental. Just as long as it wasn’t emotional too, he was safe. He rose, and she stayed stock still. He extended his hand to hers. “Perhaps,”

“Yes?” she asked even more huskily.

For a moment he was tempted to go directly to what he wanted, but he felt her unsureness behind that husky voice. And he didn’t want to risk losing her yet.

“I could take you on a tour of the castle, but I feel that might be a little frustrating given the lack of light.”

He smiled as the bubble of laughter escaped her. The sexual tension had eased a little. Just as he’d hoped. It was like fishing. Reel your prey in a little, and then allow them to swim free, to become accustomed to the hook, before reeling them in again, until they knew the outcome was inevitable.

“No doubt. But we might look around in the morning?”

“Of course. It would be my pleasure.” He rose. “But now I think we should call it a night.”

He watched as she swallowed, her slender neck convulsing slightly, her lips trembling. Good. He simply had to press his advantage.

“Yes, of course,” she said, looking up at him with those feline eyes, eyes that he could dive into and get lost in. She rose. “Thank you for a delicious dinner. It was far grander than I imagined.”

He inclined his head in agreement and walked around to her side of the table, stopping just a little too close to her. He couldn’t resist it. “Thankyou. It was made all the more agreeable by your company.”

His words bore only a faint trace of what he was feeling, but he hoped it would keep her feeling comfortable. Keep her guard lowered.

“Now,” he said, standing taller. “I’ll escort you back to your room.”

“I should wash the dishes. I can’t just leave everything.”

He just managed to swallow a smile. “I assure you, youcanjust leave everything.” He opened the door and the whine of the wind, like a demented djinn, grew louder.

“In that case,” she said, walking over to him. “Thank you. It’s been lovely.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed my country’s cuisine.”

“You country,” she laughed. “It sounds as if you own it.” She smiled again and walked out into the shadowy hall, dim afterthe brightly lit dining hall. He was glad of its dimness as they walked side by side through the hall and up the stairs. It hid his amusement.

When they reached her room, he opened the door for her, just as a strong gust of wind buffeted the castle with an extra howling whine as it forced its way around the building.

“The castle can take on an eerie atmosphere at night, especially when a storm rages outside, like now. I hope it doesn’t disturb your rest.”

She shivered.

“You’re cold?”

She shook her head and her glossy hair shifted over her shoulders. He longed to stroke it. He curled his hand into a fist to stop himself. Then she looked up at him with those dark eyes and all bets were off.

She shook her head, blinking as if confused. She opened her mouth to speak but said nothing. Her gaze raked over his face before settling on his lips. And then she licked hers as if remembering something tasty.

“Kadar,” she replied at last. “I… want to thank you. Thank you for everything. For saving me from dying alone in the desert, for giving me shelter and food, and…” she trailed off and lowered her gaze.

“And?” He couldn’t resist reaching out to her and lifting her chin gently with his finger. “Tell me, Sarah, what are you thinking to bring such clouds into your eyes?”

“Clouds?” She huffed a brief laugh. “Maybe I need the clouds to hide behind.”

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