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“I’m good, are you going with the guys tomorrow?” I asked him. Remy was hot he had wavy long dark hair, dark eyes and tattoos all over his sexy body from what I had seen. He was charming and attentive.

“Nah, someone has to stay behind to make sure none of you ladies get into trouble.” He smiled at me, and I knew he was teasing. “Are you hungry?”

“I’m starved, I guess I need to go fix something to eat.” I said as I started to get off the stool. Remy put his hand on my arm and shook his head.

“We ordered pizza, it’s at the gate and Gator is bringing it in. There is plenty to share. Will you eat with me?” he asked me. I bit my lip and nodded. “Good, you stay here, and I’ll go fix us a plate. Anything you don’t like?”

“Just no anchovies.” I said with a smile as he winked and went to fix our plates. I watched him head to the kitchen and thought about how nice it was to have the attention of such a handsome guy. I knew my brother would probably have a hemorrhage when he found out, but I’m an adult and he needed to get over it.

Remy came back with our food, and we ate while chatting about what he did for a living. Seems he was a Master Plumber and HVAC tech. He and his brother ran their business and had a couple of employees to cover when they were out on missions or needed time off. I knew all the members paid tithes to the MC to help keep it running. He had a lot of funny stories about some of the jobs they got called on. We had been talking for over an hour when I saw Axle come in followed by Blade, Hawk, Fury, Fang and Doc. They all headed to Axle’s office; Doc glanced at me when he passed by but didn’t say anything. Well fuck him, I didn’t need his damn attention anyway.

“I guess that’s about their job tomorrow.” I said as I looked back at my companion. He had a funny look on his face as he studied me.

“Are you involved with the Doc?” he asked me curiously. “I’m not stepping on a brother’s territory, am I?”

“I’m nobody’s damn territory or property. I can talk to who I like when I like and no, I’m not involved with Doc. He just tookcare of me after they brought me home. He doesn’t even see me like that.” I said vehemently as I hopped off the stool to go throw away the paper plate and the empty bottle of water. I turned to see that Rider had stopped him from following me and was saying something that seemed to piss Remy off.

“If Gears has a problem with me dating his sister, then he needs to take it up with me himself. Dawn is a grown ass woman and should be able to date who she wants. If I’m lucky, that will be me.” He turned around and saw me standing there staring at him. “Dawn, I know they don’t want you to leave the property right now, but would you like to watch a movie with me later here at the clubhouse?”

“I’d love that. What time?” I asked him. I wanted to go home shower and fix myself up a little. I wouldn’t look like I was trying too hard, but I wanted to make an effort.

“I’ll pick you up at six and walk over with you, is that okay?” he asked me. “That will also give me a chance to talk to Gears and clear the air.”

“I’ll be ready.” I said as I practically floated out the door. That will show Doc, I don’t need his attention. I was going to get better, and I would do it my way.



Axle had messaged the members that were going to Denver to meet up at the clubhouse to strategize. This was about making some new connections and also seeing if anyone had heard about the two assholes that had managed to get away from us the night we found Dawn. It was a bit of a shock walking in and seeing her flirting with Remy Boudreaux. That damn Cajun better watch himself with her. I decided not to show any reaction. It was good she was talking to someone her own age.

We closed ourselves up in Axle’s office as he started the meeting. I sat on a stool by the door while everyone found a spot to settle.

“I heard from the Scorpions in Denver that they have had a couple of guys hanging around the clubs lately. They had Russian accents and were paying a little too much attention to the college crowd.” Axle flexed his fists. I knew he was irritated by the vein popping on his forehead. “Sound familiar. Seems weneed to find the last of these assholes and try to finish this group. They are way too close to Liberty for my liking. Ash and Smokey said they had shown up there a few weeks ago and they were sent down to that chapter to try and sniff them out. He says they haven’t attempted to grab anyone. It’s more like they are looking for someone.”

“Bastards are looking for Dawn, because she can identify them. The rest of the girls were put into witness protection.” I growled as I thought of them trying to get their filthy hands on her again. “We should make sure they haven’t managed to find any of the others.”

“Already on it. Hawk has reached out to some of his more questionable contacts, and they are looking into it.” Blade said with a chuckle. Hawk flipped him off.

“Why isn’t Gears in on this?” I asked Axle. I knew he would want to be a part of it.

“This is too close to home and way too personal. He would be on a hair trigger, and we don’t need that. It’s better he stays here and keeps an eye on his sister.” Axle said as he looked at the men in the room. “We will leave out first thing in the morning. Get some rest, we may be doing more than meeting so be prepared to hunt.”

I glanced at Fury who had that evil ass smile on his face at the thought of using his chains on someone. He had calmed down a lot since he and Lillian got married and adopted their daughter, but he was still a mean motherfucker when it came to torture. Shit, I never wanted to be on the end of those chains of his.

We were planning out what we could and giving out assignments when we heard a tap on the door. I cracked it and it was Lillian.

“I know you are in a meeting; I am just dropping off a tray of sandwiches and potato salad for all of you.” She said as she handed me the two containers. Fury jerked his head for me tomove and he pulled her close and kissed her. Then with a smile she left, and he closed the door.

“You have one hell of a woman there, Fury.” Blade said with a little envy in his voice. I knew it wasn’t envy of Lillian but what she represents. The work we do is hard and when we do things for the club it can be stressful. The guys that have married seem to have found a balance and are much happier and focused. I know a couple of the others would like that for themselves eventually.

“Yes, I do, let’s get this shit done so I can get back to her.” He said as he grabbed a sandwich and sat down.

The planning session broke up around five, so we all headed out to pack and get some rest. I figure the attached guys would be headed home to spend time with their women. As usual, I was headed home to my empty house.



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