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I was working from home today since I wasn’t comfortable leaving Dawn home alone. I knew the compound was secure, but it made me feel better to be able to check on her or to hear her moving around in her room. I knew it was because I was afraid, she was going to be taken from me forever and we had always been close. It was my job as her big brother to protect her and I had failed. I wouldn’t fail her again. I finished the account I was working on and sat back in my chair looking out the window. I heard a motorcycle and then saw Doc heading to our place. He climbed off his hog and walked to our door. I got up to open it for him.

“Gears, how is Dawn feeling?” Doc asked me. I looked at him for a moment and couldn’t decide if I wanted to punch him or offer him a beer. I decided on the beer because I knew the women would be pissed if I got blood on the carpet; besides, hereally had not done anything that I knew of to actually warrant a black eye.

“She is studying, do you want a beer?” I asked him casually as I went to get one out for myself. He nodded and followed me to the kitchen counter. “She is almost done with school, just one last proctored test.”

“How is that going to work?” he asked, knowing they didn’t want her to leave the property until the guys were caught that had got away. I shrugged and sat down.

“Still working that part out.” I said, flipping on the television to an old fight. We watched in silence until Dawn came out of her room and stopped when she saw Doc. I started to say something but the look she shot at me had me keeping quiet.

“Dr. Harper, I wanted to apologize for my behavior before. You were just doing your job taking care of me and I understand that you are probably thrilled to have your privacy back.” Dawn said as she went into the kitchen and grabbed an apple. She sliced it up and put some peanut butter on a plate. Getting a napkin and a bottle of water she went back into her room and closed the door.

Doc whistled as he looked back at me and shook his head. “It’s a little frosty in here.” He said with a chuckle. “I didn’t mean to hurt her feelings.”

“She’ll get over it. Dawn is usually more independent and after what happened she felt safe with you. I think it just hit her hard when she felt the need to leave.” I told him as I looked back at the door and thought about the last few nights that I heard Dawn wake up screaming. I would get up and find her huddled on the couch with some hot chocolate in her hands and an empty look on her face as she looked out the window. I would just sit with her until she either went back to bed or laid on the couch and went back to sleep. We didn’t discuss the nightmares. I knew Ineeded to find her a therapist to talk to because hearing it would make me want to go find people to carve up.

“Is she sleeping?” Doc asked me quietly. I shook my head. “She is still having nightmares then. I had hoped they had stopped; she had some when she was at my house. I would hold her hand and talk to her until she realized she was not there anymore.”

“I need to find her a therapist. Can you recommend anyone?” I asked him. He looked thoughtful and then pulled his phone out and sent me a contact. “Thanks.”

“If you have any trouble calming her let me know. I am off work for a while, so anytime of the day or night you can call me.” Doc said as he stood up.

“We are going to cook out this weekend at the clubhouse. I think she needs social interaction, and she has always liked kids, so everyone is bringing their children. You should come.” I invited him.

“I’ll swing by, and I can bring some drinks.” Doc said as he glanced at Dawn’s closed door one more time. He looked like he wanted to say something, but he didn’t. I watched my friend drive home and I walked over to my sister’s door.

I knocked lightly and heard her say to come in. Opening the door, I saw her on the bed curled up in a ball holding something. I sat down on the bed and rubbed her back for a minute like I did when she was little and would wake in the middle of the night.

I sat there but I had no idea what to say to her. I knew she had a crush on Doc when she was younger. I was starting to think she had never gotten over it. He had never shown any inappropriate interest in her before. I noticed the seemed a little weird at Christmas last year but then he left, and she went back to school within a few days.

“We need to get your test scheduled. I’d like to have the proctor come here. I’m not comfortable with you leaving the property just yet. I also think it would be less awkward for you ifyou wait until your bruising fades so that no one asks questions you don’t want to answer.” I said, trying to get her response.

“Whatever, what are we doing for dinner?” she asked me without turning over to look at me.

“Is there anything you want?” I asked her. She sat up and looked at me frowning.

“You know I’m not a picky eater. I was just going to say that I could start fixing dinner since you both work and I’m not in a position to get a job just yet.” She looked irritated at me.

“I’m sorry, you’re right. That would be very helpful. Let me know what we need to pick up from the store tomorrow.” I suggested. “Love you sis.”

“I love you too dork.” she said as she punched my leg. “Now let me take a nap and then I’ll come make a list.”

I laughed and left her alone to sleep. I knew she had been through a lot physically as well as emotionally and I just wanted her to feel safe. We would have to find her something to do here. Maybe Cara would like some help at the shelter. It was on our property. We had it separated with a fence, but it also had a fence around it and security measures in place. I’d put a bug in Fang’s ear later.



The days ran together lately, and I knew I had to find something to do with my time after the exam. My brother had made arrangements for the proctor to come to the shelter for the test. Cara was going to let us use her office. I was surprised they agreed to it but then when my brother’s club wanted something they made it happen. I had not seen Doc in days and that was probably for the best. I needed to focus on passing this exam. My bruises were almost completely faded away and were easily covered with a little makeup. So, I put on some jeans and a cute sleeveless top along with my boots and walked over to the Shelter. It felt good to be outside by myself. Of course, that wasn’t completely accurate since there were some newly patched members guarding the gate and one ran the guard shack with the cameras. When I got to the gate separating the Shelter area from the rest of the compound Remy opened the gate.

“Hey Dawn, how is our resident lawyer today?” Remy asked me as he stood outside of the guard shack and smiled at me. His thick Cajun accent rolling off his tongue. He was definitely a looker and very smooth. He was also closer to my age. Maybe I should flirt with him since Doc clearly doesn’t want me.

“I’m not a lawyer yet but I will be soon. You plan on getting into some trouble I may need to save you from?” I winked at him. He looked me over and I saw a pure lust in his eyes. Oh yeah, this could be fun.

“Nah Cher, just doing my job. Good luck with your test. We will have to throw you a party when you pass.” He smiled at me and then went back into the guard shack.

I saw the proctor’s car parked in front. It was eight in the morning and the Shelter didn’t open until ten in the morning. I opened the door and went inside. I saw Cara and Fang were getting supplies to go feed the animals that were living here at the time.

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