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“You don’t have to get up. You look so comfortable.” Sophie said as she gently hugged me. “I was going to fix dinner. Is there anything special you would like to have?”

My sister-in-law was the sweetest. I liked her the first time we met. I smiled at her as I picked up my plate from the coffee table.

“I’ll eat whatever you decide to fix.” I put my plate in the dishwasher and then went back to the couch. I didn’t want to be cooped up in a bedroom again, even if it was mine. “How was work?”

I wanted to distract them, so I changed the subject. They had the most boring jobs on the planet but if it got them talking, I was good with that. They chattered on about their day while Sophie made some homemade pizzas. It smelled really good. I missed doing this with Austin when I came home for a visit. We had always been close but since they saved me from being sold, I have been feeling resentful that they didn’t get there sooner. I know that it wasn’t their fault, and I was a random choice of opportunity. It was just that if they had been there just fifteen minutes sooner, I would not have been raped by that nasty bastard. I knew that Cole ‘Doc’ had taken blood to be tested for anything that could have been given to me and the results came back clean but I was still scared because he didn’t use anything, and I was not on birth control since I had not had any intention of having sex in the near future. Thinking about it made me lose my appetite so I excused myself and went to my room. I looked outside the window and did not see a light on at Doc’s house. He must still be working, unless he has a date or something. I didn’t want to think about that.



It was a good thing I went to work when I did. There was a pileup on the highway, and we had an emergency room full of wounded people from the accident. It was all hands-on deck. I saw Katherine running around doing triage on the patients and then we worked them in the order. I had not seen something this bad in months. The mountains were treacherous, and it had been foggy last night. We were all working as quickly as possible to not lose anyone. Unfortunately, one of the teenagers that had been driving was too far gone by the time they got her to the hospital, and she didn’t make it. I had the misfortune of having to deliver the news to her parents. The mother let out a tortured scream that I knew I would be hearing in my sleep for a while. You can try to remain cold and distant, but it was hard. When it came to children it was worse. I had to sedate the mother and put her in an exam room until it wore off. Her husband climbedon the bed and held her. I pulled the door closed and let them grieve in private.

“Dr. Harper, you need to get some rest. You have been here for the last thirty-six hours.” Katherine told me as she glanced at the clock. “I am still on-call so I took a nap, and we can handle it now.”

I looked at my phone and saw that I was going to be back on shift in twelve hours, so I needed to get a shower, some food and sleep. I nodded and headed to the locker room. I stripped out of my scrubs, washed myself and then slipped on some jeans and a henley I kept in my locker. I grabbed my helmet and headed out. I drove my bike to work so I climbed on and headed to the diner. I would just get whatever special was featured and take it home.

I walked into the diner and saw a couple of guys sitting at a table with a familiar cut on. I was really too tired to deal with this right now, but I wanted to know why they were so far from their territory.

“Hey, what are you guys doing here?” I asked cordially. They looked at me and I realized I didn’t have my cut on. “I’m a Ripper, just got off a shift at the hospital heading home.”

“Oh, ok. We came to share some information with your president and stopped to eat before heading to your compound. I’m Ash and this is Smokey.” The rough biker said with a smile as he offered his hand to me. I shook it.

“I’m Doc. I’m grabbing my food order and going home to crash. I’ll let Axle know you’re coming.” I said after I shook both of their hands.

I grabbed my order and headed home. I sent Axle a text before I started my bike. I also let him know that I had to have some sleep before I could deal with anymore shit. Pulling up to my house I looked over at Gears place. I really wanted to go check on Dawn. I knew she had overheard us talking and her feelings were hurt. I didn’t want that, but she was my buddy’s sister. Hewould flip if he knew the thoughts I had been having about her. I parked my bike in my garage and took my food inside the house. I sat at the table and ate quickly then took a shower and crashed.

Around four I got up and headed over to the clubhouse. I got a text saying we were meeting at four-thirty. I had to be back at work at six, so I didn’t have a lot of time. I walked in and saw a bunch of the guys hanging at the large table.

“Hey Doc, sorry to catch you right before your shift. You just missed Smokey and Ash. They were telling me that two of the guys that took Dawn got away. So, until further notice, we don’t take any new prospects and nobody new on the property.” Axle said as he sat back in his seat. He was a handsome devil, about six feet one with dark hair, a menacing looking goatee and piercing eyes. He had been president for about five years, taking over for Undertaker when he had stepped down to take care of his dying wife. Now Undertaker was remarried with a young son and a baby on the way. His wife Annie was a sweetheart, and she kept the man in line.

“Dawn is going to be pissed that she can’t go anywhere without a guard but hopefully she won’t put up too much fuss.” Gears said as he stared at me from across the table.

“She will damn well get over it or I’ll tie her to a fucking bed.” I realized I said that out loud when all the guys looked at me with their eyebrows raised and Gears looked ready to come unglued. “I’m just saying she will have to get the fuck over it. I have to get to the hospital for my shift. I’m thinking about taking a leave of absence until all of this has been resolved. Text me if anything comes up.”

I walked out, got on my bike and glanced over where Gears place was. I saw the curtains move on Dawn’s window. I had to stop thinking about her like that. She was my friend’s baby sister. Forbidden fruit to us. I needed to get laid. Maybe I’d hitup Trixie’s tomorrow night and see if I could take care of my needs with one of the girls.

Riding was the one thing that helped to clear my head. Being a part of the Ripper’s meant the world to me. We were not always on the up and up but nothing we did hurt innocent people. The missions we occasionally took on paid well and got rid of scum. The guys would get carried away and the younger prospects or newest members would get hurt sometimes. I wanted to be available to take care of them. I pulled up to the hospital and parked in my spot. I changed into my scrubs and headed to the emergency room. I was working trauma in the emergency room this shift, so I needed to be ready to scrub in at any time. Checking the schedule I noticed I was off the next two days. I sent an email to the Chief of Surgery letting him know I would be on leave for a while. Heading into the pit I spotted one of the Peds doctors coming from an exam room. She was here from out of town and was interviewing for an attending position here. Stunning red hair, bright green eyes and an hourglass figure. She didn’t resemble Dawn at all. Maybe I’d see if she wanted to go out for breakfast after our shift was over.

Half my shift was over when we had an ambulance pull up with a woman her child. They had been driving home from school when a truck ran through a red light and slammed into the side of the car. The mother just had some bruising and some cuts, but the kid had a broken leg and a fractured rib where his belt had not been properly fastened. The pretty doctor came in and talked to the kid while she tended to his cuts and then took him for an x-ray to see the extent of his injuries. We were waiting for the results to come back when she slipped something in the pocket of my jacket. She winked at me and went to ask the kid what color cast he wanted. I left them to talk and headed to the cafeteria to grab something to eat while I could.

I was finishing my burger when I pulled the note out to read it. Opening it I read what she had written.

Dr. Harper,

I’d love to meet you in the on-call room by trauma in half an hour. I have an ache; I think you could help me with it.


Looking down I realized I had about five minutes to get to the room if I wanted to get some relief. Fuck it, I’m single and she is cute. I tossed my trash and headed for the on-call room. As I opened the door, I felt a hand pull me in and push me against the door. I locked the door, pulled off my shirt and pants before grabbing her around the waist and pressing her into the bed. I pulled her scrubs down and used my fingers to see if she was wet enough to take me. Apparently, she was pretty turned on already. I grabbed a condom, rolled it on and then flipped her onto her hands and knees. With a hand on her hip and the other working her clit, I slid into her hot, wet channel and started to fuck her hard. I worked her clit while I pounded her pussy until she came all over me. I pictured Dawn in her place and suddenly I was there, emptying myself into the condom. I gave her a minute to catch her breath before I pulled out and disposed of the condom. Slipping on my scrubs I stood at the door for a minute.

“Thank you, I needed that.” I turned and walked out of the room. The Chief was coming in for a shift and raised an eyebrow at my disheveled hair.

“I got your email. I have a trauma surgeon coming in from John Hopkins to see if he would be a good fit for the Head of Trauma. This will give him a chance to show me what he is made of. You know you always have privileges here.” Chief shook my hand. “I’ll take a shift in the ER; you go on home and rest.”

“Thanks, I’ll let you know when I’m ready to come back.” I went to change into my street clothes and headed home.


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