Page 15 of Archie

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Entering the smallish room, snarling at the man, he stood up and fired six times in his general direction, missing him every time. The last two shots hit him in the chest when he stood up to kill the man. Slicing his paw across his throat, he dispatched the man quickly before he passed out.

The woman had been tossed to the floor, where she hit her head. It was bleeding, so he licked the wound closed and made his way to the bathroom to shift again. He knew that he couldn’t die, but the pain of being shot and so close hurt like hell. He was never so thankful for Sunny and her magic as he was right then.

Mel had called the police while he’d been in the bathroom and knew that they’d be slightly jumpy—he would if it was him—when they came into their favorite place to eat with four dead men and a stranger there.

Wrangler laid his gun on the table he’d been seated at with his permit to carry along side of it. Sunny and her mother Lily had arrived too, making sure that the bodies of the men were ‘shot’ and not had their throats ripped out when viewed by the police and anyone else that had to deal with them. The others, the staff that had been sequestered in the cooler, were now in the dining area with the others. Everyone knew their part to play when the first officer showed up.

By then, not only was Wrangler sitting on the floor, he had his fingers laced behind his head, his pockets were turned out and he had opened his shirt so that they could see that he wasn’t carrying anything else with him. They were polite, if not a little jumpy as he’d thought they would be, but after a bit, they allowed him to get up and straighten out his clothing. He sat back down to eat the rest of his cold breakfast.

“Did you know these men?” He told the officer that he’d only stopped by here on the way home at the recommendation of one of the guards. He nodded. “We come here every day. It’s a nice little place. I want to thank you for helping out my mom. She’s Mel Sharpley, the owner of this place.”

He told the other man that she’d been smart in handing him a note to warn him. Officer Sharpley said that sounded like something that she’d do. Smiling at him, the man sat across from him before looking around at the other officers.

“She is going to close this place up soon. This might just be the final straw for her. I hate to see it go. I’ve spent my entire life here at some point or another.” Wrangler asked him what he’d like for him to do. “You’re that Sheppard family. The ones that help out people that are in need, right? Well, I’d like to apply for help for my mom. She won’t get what she needs to live off of, and being in her seventies, she’ll hopefully be around for a bit longer. People want a cheap deal because they figure that she’s old and doesn’t have a brain cell one. But she’s savvy. Will you lend her the money to fix this place up so that she can resell it at a better price? I don’t know all the ends and outs of what might be needed nor the cost of such things. But I do know that whatever is needed, it will make a world of difference for the rest of her life. I’d make sure that you’re paid back from the proceeds of the sale. She just needs a helping hand.”

“Yes. I’ll loan her the money.” Wrangler surprised himself with his quick answer. It wasn’t like him to not think things over for days before still not having a solid answer. “I’ll hire someone to come in and tell us what it would cost to do the renovations. Also, to tell us if it would be worth doing. That would be something that you’d have to think about, too. The place might have structural things wrong with it that we can’t see right now.” Billy, as he was asked to call him, said he’d thought of that too. “Good. You’re a good son. What is your mom going to think about going behind her back and doing this?”

“She’ll smack me in the back of the head, then tell me that she loves me for helping her. I’d just like for her to have enough money to buy food for herself and a roof over her head. Right now, do you think that will be possible?” He didn’t want to commit to something that he had no knowledge of but said that he thought so. Again, something that he’d never done before. “Thank you for being honest with me, Wrangler. You’ve no idea how much I appreciate this.”

“It’s no problem. But don’t be thanking me just yet. This might be all for nothing.” He told him that he understood that, too. “You’re a good son, Billy. Looking after your mother shows me too that you’re not in this for yourself. Thank you for restoring my faith in humanity today.”

After the police left and he was given a platter of food on the house, he left his business card with Billy and headed home. Excited to have a new venture to invest in, he started making calls as soon as he got home. It just so happened that one of the men in the leap that his brother ran was a construction company owner. He was more than willing to go out and check on the place.


Archie didn’t want to go home. Tomorrow was their last day here, and they’d had such a wonderful time that he considered just saying fuck it all and live here forever. But he also knew that the two of them had obligations that they just couldn’t walk away from. However, he thought knowing that they could come here and spend some down time when it got to be too much he thought would make leaving a great deal easier.

They’d walked the island so many times that he was sure that he could do it with his eyes closed. The two of them had tried so many different kinds of foods, things that he’d only read about when he’d been escaping through the words in a book. The colors were so vibrant that he couldn’t imagine not having them around all the time.

Carrie had been napping during the day. He was sure that she was worn out from all the lovemaking that they’d been having. Just yesterday, she woke him up riding his cock so beautifully that he’d nearly forgotten that he could enjoy their lovemaking too. Christ, the places where they’d had quick sex boggled his mind that they’d not been caught a few times that it was very close. And each time, the two of them would come so hard that they would have to rest for an hour or two before being able to walk without staggering. It was the best fun he’d had, he thought.

Now, here they were in the big bed for the last time this vacation. Carrie was sleeping, and he was just dozing off when he remembered that he’d not set an alarm. Pulling his phone to him, he set his clock to wake up in plenty of time to get dressed, packed, and go to the airport the next morning. Closing his eyes, he fell into a deep sleep.

Waking up, his cock warm and wet, he looked down at his body in the moonlight to see Carrie sucking his cock. Reaching for the light so he could watch her enjoying herself, he knocked off not just his phone but the little glass of water that he had there nightly. Once the light was on, he nearly came watching her lick along the crown of his cock. She smiled at him even as she cupped his balls gently in her hands and fondled them lightly.

“I want you to come all over me.” He nodded, not sure that he could form any kind of coherent words to convey anything. “I want to feel your cum all over me so that I can rub it into my skin.”

“Yes.” He reached down to his cock, fisting it in his hand as she sat up over him. He wanted to toss her over onto the bed and take her hard, but he also wanted her to have what she wanted. As soon as his balls began to fill painfully, he told her that he was coming. It started at the top of his head and raced down to his cock as he exploded.

He watched as his cum hit her body. Her breasts were covered in long drips of his cum that made him dizzy with the need to give her more. When she rubbed it into her skin, making her nipples hard, he came again, hurting a bit but enjoying his mate as she licked his cum off her hands and then rubbed it into her mouth. Coming again, three times in a row, was a record for them, but he was sure that if she were to touch him right now, he’d simply pass out. His body was tense with his need to fill her that he finally grabbed her body, rolled over, and slammed his cock deep inside of her wet heat.

They both cried out. He held her body to his as he emptied over and over into her. Dropping atop of her, it was all he could do to breathe. There wasn’t going to be any moving by him in the next year or so. Laughing a little, he did manage to flop over, his body half in and out of the bed. But he wasn’t crushing her, so he thought that he could live with that for now.

The next time that he woke up, the alarm screaming at him from across the room for some reason, he got up and stepped in the glass, managing to cut his foot open and had him cursing up a storm. Grabbing his phone, he dropped it again, shattering the screen and breaking his case as well.

Turning when he heard laughter, he watched as Carrie was rolling in the bed, laughing hard at him while trying to talk that he found himself laughing with her. It had been a hell of a morning so far, and they’d not even left the house.

After hurrying through their packing, him shifting to take care of his foot, they decided to have their luggage, more than what they came with taken to the airport and have lunch one more time at their favorite place. He’d grown very fond of lobster sandwiches and was going to have to find out if the cook could make them for him at home. Also, grilled pineapple. He had never tried it before at home now he couldn’t get enough of it.

“I’m going to head to the bathroom. Did you want some dessert? I would love a mango smoothie.” When she left, the waiter came to take away the dishes, and he asked for two of the desserts that Carrie had wanted. But he got them to go. They really needed to get going if they were going to get to the airport on time. When she came out, they took their drinks and headed to the car.

“I don’t want to leave. We’ve made so many memories here that I just want to stay here forever.” He told the love of his life that he didn’t either. That he’d enjoyed this so much. “We’ll be back, right? I mean, it would be nice to be able to think about having another vacation here. Now that we’ve settled up on the building that your brother wanted us to look into, someone will have to come down on occasion to make sure that things are going well here.”

“Yes. But it might not always be you and I.” She pouted at him, and he laughed a little. “I have enjoyed this so much and all because of you. You are my reason to live, my heart to beat and making me a better man. I cannot tell you enough just how much I love you.”

“I love you as well, Archie. So much.” They got to the airport in time to get themselves something to drink on the ride home.

Archie decided that he wanted to bring a little of the place that they’d had so much fun at to their home so while waiting on the drinks, he wandered into a gift shop and found a cookbook on the local cuisine. He was looking through the pages, thinking that it had just the things that he’d wanted in it, when someone brushed up against him while standing still.

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