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Two years later


“They’ll be fine, Violet, don’t worry.” Zack gave me a warm side hug as I looked down into the crib at our two beloved twin baby girls, Iris Wyatt-Hudson and Lily Kane-Hudson. We’d had a one-in-a-million pregnancy. We had fraternal twins, but with each twin having a different father. Our minds were still reeling because it had happened that way, though it couldn’t have been more perfect.

“I don’t know. They’ve never been alone without one of us with them.”

“They’re only four months old, baby,” Dylan said standing at my other side. “They’ll never know we’re gone and it’s only for the evening.”

I grimaced. “I don’t really need to go.”

“Go on, Violet. You’re being silly,” Alyssa said, pushing the three of us back and picking up Lily and cradling her in her arms. “I have three younger brothers and sisters. I know what I’m doing; besides, I want to spend some quality alone time with my future goddaughters.”

It was nice to be back in New York. It had been too long, and I’d missed Alyssa to pieces. She’d visited us at Dylan’s place a couple times over the past couple of years, but Carter kept her pretty busy.

They were all right: there was no need to be worried. I never imagined I’d become one of those overprotective mothers, but here I was getting scared over every little thing. Iris and Lily meant the world to me; they were miracle babies on every imaginable level.

Alyssa looked from me to each of the guys. “Who’s the father anyhow? No one ever did tell me.”

I looked at Zack’s smiling face to Dylan’s. “They’re both the father.”

She frowned. “Seriously?”

Shaking my head, I leaned down and kissed my precious girl on the forehead. “Nope. Our girls are absolute miracles. Iris is Zack’s and Lily is Dylan’s. It was such a long shot that they are true miracles.”

“It’s amazing, I didn’t even know that was possible.”

“I just happened to have two eggs released that particular day and Zack impregnated one and Dylan the other. It’s extremely rare. But above and beyond all else, we’re a family, all three of us. It wouldn’t have mattered who was the bio-dad; our children will always have two loving fathers.”

Nodding, Alyssa looked back down at the baby. “Either way, these beautiful baby girls are the luckiest babies in the world. They’ve got three of the most incredible people for parents that they could ever ask for.”

“And their incredible parents are going to be late for their first concert in two years if we don’t leave—” Dylan looked down at his silver analogue watch “—right now.”

“Yes, I suppose.” It was so hard to go, but it was necessary.

“We need to go.” Zack gave my arm a little tug. “It’s now or never. We’ve never been so popular, so this is going to be insane tonight.”

“I’m not going onstage; I’m telling you that now.” I allowed him to lead me from the nursery and out into the hallway. We were in my apartment in the city since neither of my men had a place in the city any longer. “For any reason.”

“Yeah, yeah,” they grumbled in unison.

~*~ TT ~*~

It was time to get back into the limelight. But there was one big change, besides parenthood, that had caused a burst of publicity. It had been leaked that we were in a three-way relationship. It didn’t take long for the press to deduce that the girl in the hot tub was me.

“This is scary though,” I protested as Dylan brought his cell phone to his ear and called for security to ensure the car was ready to take us to the stadium and that there were bodyguards to keep us from being mobbed.

Zack took my hand and gave it a squeeze as we walked through the living area and to the elevator. “There’s no reason to be scared; the idea of me and Dylan sharing you and the birth of our children has caught on like wildfire. If anything, it’s made us more popular. It can’t be a coincidence that this new album has been our highest grossing album of all time.”

Lifting a brow at him, I replied. “I think it has more to do with the fact you boys have come out with the most progressive album of your career. The two years did you all good.”

“Our lives have changed. We’re not horny singles anymore.”

Laughing, I replied. “No, you’re two horny fathers in a relationship now.”

“Pussy on tap, nothing better than that.”

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