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“Not exactly. I left him close to two months ago; I’m working on getting a divorce. I filed and he, of course, contested the divorce. I’m sure he’s contesting the divorce just to make my life a living hell, as if he hadn’t done enough already. Now, I’m going to have to fight a legal battle I can’t afford to fight and he knows it. I’m not asking for anything from him other than my freedom. He can get the best of lawyers. I can get legal aid… Maybe… I’m working on getting legal aid now. I just want to be free. I should have left a long time ago, hell, I should never have gotten together with him in the first place. But hindsight is 20/20, right?”

My heart sank, just a little. I don’t know why, we hadn’t been together for a long time, but it did. Robyn – married. If I were to dive deeply into why I was unsettled about it, it might be because there had been a point in my life where I’d considered making Robyn my wife. The thought that another man had what I’d wanted and never got filled me with both remorse and rage. She was supposed to be mine. Why would she marry a man like him when I’d given her all of who I was? I’d risked everything to start a life with her, all those years ago. It didn’t make sense.

“Why is he contesting it?” Could Gabriel not know anything at all about Robyn’s visits to the FBI and he was simply wanting her killed because if he couldn’t have her no one else could?

“Because Gabriel never loses.”


“And I left him.” She groaned out loud, flopping back onto the sofa and closing her eyes.

I waited, watching her ample breasts heave up and down, while allowing her to gather her thoughts. When she opened her eyes again, they were lined with unfallen tears. “He warned me when I left. He told me that no woman ever leaves him unless he decides it’s time for them to go – especially his wife. He said that if I left him that I’d regret it and that I’d come running back to him with my tail between my legs.”

Leaning forward, bracing my elbows on my knees, I eyed her carefully. “What did he mean by that?”

“I don’t fucking know Constantine, Gabriel is capable of just about anything! He’s not the man I thought he was when we first met, but I’ve learned the truth over the past year or so. But he hasn’t done anything yet, aside from contest the divorce. It’s been eerily quiet. Maybe he figured I wasn’t worth the fight or already found my replacement, at least I’m hoping that’s the case. Why are you here asking all these questions? And why would Gabriel give one of his employees my address? I don’t understand why you’re here.”

Jesus, how was I going to tell her there was a hit on her life and I was the one who was contracted to perform it? I inhaled deeply and slowly released my breath, taking the time to gather my thoughts. “Like I said, I’m not exactly one of his employees. I’m more of a freelancer.”

She frowned, eyeing me with suspicion as she leaned forward and grabbed an opened wine cooler from the coffee table, taking a long drink and guzzling down half of the bottle. Setting the bottle back down she stared at me a moment. “Why did he send you here?”

Until I knew the exact situation I wasn’t going to tell her the truth. Not yet. “He sent me hoping I could talk you into going back to him.” I was taking a chance by saying this, but the Robyn I once knew was very pigheaded and stubborn. Once she’d set her mind on something there was no changing it. In this situation I could tell she was done with him. The determination was in her eyes told all, so him sending me here to her wouldn’t change her staying away at all.

She laughed out loud. “Are you fucking serious? You’re some messenger boy for Gabriel?” Standing, she shook her head. “That’s rich, sending my old boyfriend to convince me to go back to him. Really fucking rich.” She grabbed the bottle and drank down the remainder of the contents. “I’m going to go to the bathroom. When I get back I’ll expect you to be gone and you can tell Gabriel to go fuck himself. I want my divorce and I never want to see or speak to him again.”

I wasn’t going anywhere.

She didn’t wait for a reply. She walked across the room and into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.

A moment after the door to the bathroom closed, I heard another creak open on the other side of the room. Startled, my head whipped around and my hand reached under my suit jacket, halfway expecting to see someone pop out of the room to take me out.

But that wasn’t the case. Instead, I watched as a little boy I assumed to be four or five came strolling out, wiping his eyes with his balled fists and wearing Pokémon pajamas featuring Pikachu on the chest. When he lowered his fists he looked straight at me. “Who are you?”

The little boy looked oddly familiar. It wasn’t because he resembled Robyn, he didn’t – not in the least. So who in the hell was this little boy? “I’m Constantine, a friend of Robyn’s.”

“You mean my mom? Robyn’s my mommy’s name.”

Ohhh. Robyn had a child. Maybe that was the reason Gabriel was after her, she had his child. I did some quick math in my head. No, the little boy couldn’t have been Gabriel’s, they’d only been together for a couple of years from my understanding. The boy paused a moment and then came over to the sofa, hopping onto it next to me. “I’m supposed to be in bed right now.”

“That so?” I asked and watched as his lips spread into a brilliant smile.

“Yup, but I’m not.”

“Yeah. I noticed that.”

“Mommy doesn’t know, but I get up a lot at night and play video games when she sleeps.”

“You don’t say.”

He nodded, wiggling on the sofa with gleeful excitement. “Wanna hear something cool?”

“Ummm.” My smile widened. “Ahh, sure.”

He lowered his voice. “We have to be quiet though, so Mommy won’t know I’m up.”

I did as told and lowered my voice as well. “Okay. Roger that.”

He looked at me oddly a moment. “What does roger mean?”

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