Page 85 of The Risk Taker

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“See,” she murmurs, “wasn’t this a good idea?”

“It’s a crazy idea.” I extend my arm, but she backs away until she’s just out of reach with a giggle. “Whose house is this?”

Mads cocks her head and bites her lower lip, still not answering my question. The tops of her breasts are just above the water, teasing me with glimpses of forbidden skin.

I swim closer to her, stalking her through the pool. She moves away, but I catch her foot beneath the water with my hand, tugging her closer. Her legs bend around my waist as she collapses against my chest. I swim with one arm secured around her lithe form until I can reach the bottom. Then, I walk us to the side of the pool and trap her against it with my body. Our faces are inches apart.

“Hi,” she whispers, studying me.

I trail a drop of water as it carves a path down the side of her cheek.

My eyes drop to her mouth, where her bottom lip is caught between her teeth. I tug it free before running my fingertip along the length of it. Her tongue flicks out to taste the salty texture of my skin. I lean in like I’m going to kiss her, but back away at the last moment. I’m teasing her, taunting her. That lower lip sticks out in a pout as her icy eyes narrow.

My hands slide from her hips around to the soft globes of her ass. I massage her in slow circles, grasping the pliable tissue in my palms. She feels so good in my grip. I press her harder into the wall until our centers meet and lean down to run my tongue across her nipple. Her head falls back with a gasp as I pull away.

My lips drop to that space where her neck meets her shoulder, and I caress her soft skin with open-mouthed kisses. She squirms against me, and the water laps along the edge of the pool from the movement. I work my way along her jaw and finally capture her plump lips in a slow, searing kiss. I’m lost in the taste of her and one second away from spearing her in two with my cock when a light flips on inside the house.

We both freeze.


And then we both move.

I’m pulling myself out of the water before Madison has even turned around. I help her out, and we grab our clothes, salt water cascading from our wet bodies to the concrete below like a waterfall. I glance inside the house as we start to run in the direction we came from. I can see a girl around our age moving around a kitchen space. She doesn’t glance out of the window, seemingly oblivious to our presence in her backyard.

My bare feet hit the grass as I round the corner with Madison right in front of me. We pause to tug on essential clothes and then keep running. My sliders are still in my hands. This edge of the yard is dark, and the ground is uneven. We move through the gate.

I’m hit with Madison’s laughter, but I’m too intent on making it back to the Bronco without being detected to join in. And I’m too tense to find this humorous at the moment. That’s when she stops abruptly in front of me. My momentum keeps me moving forward, and I sidestep her to avoid plowing into her body.

My foot lands in a small hole in the yard, and my left leg shifts into a weird angle. I feel the pain in my knee before my brain can register what has happened. I’m on the ground in the next second. I don’t make a sound; I just sit there in shock as the inside of my left knee starts to pulse with pain.

Madison drops down beside me. Her laughter is completely gone, replaced with panic and concern. “Are you okay?”

I don’t speak. I don’t trust myself not to lash out at her.

I’m used to discomfort. Hockey is a rough sport, so I’m accustomed to taking hits regularly. Pucks have drawn blood from my skin more than once or twice while playing. I’ve had more stitches than I can count. I’ve been bruised, and I’ve broken a few bones along the way. But as the throbbing in my knee increases, I’m more scared than hurt.

This is my worst nightmare coming true.

I can’t be hurt now. Not right before my rookie season.

I hobble to my feet, shrugging Madison off when she tries to help me. I’m pissed right now. I’m mad at myself for being so stupid. I’m angry because I put myself in this position in the first place. And I’m livid at her for coaxing me here tonight. This would’ve never happened if she hadn’t talked me into being so reckless.

What originally seemed fun and harmless now seems like the worst decision of my life.

I limp back to the vehicle and shrug her off again when she offers to drive. But when I realize that I can’t operate the clutch without my knee screaming in pain, I reluctantly switch places with her and allow her to drive us home. When the radio turned on along with the engine, I practically broke the knob, shutting it off. The entire trip is made in complete silence, except when I’m instructing her on how to shift gears. She isn’t used to driving a standard, so it isn’t a smooth ride. But luckily, it’s short.

Madison wisely didn’t say a word. My knee throbs the entire way there.

We park, and I manage to make it up the steps and into the apartment without doing more damage. Madison follows quietly behind me. The first thing I do once inside is grab a bag of frozen vegetables and prop my leg up on the coffee table while planting my ass on the couch. Elevate and ice.

My knee starts to swell. It’s like I can visibly watch as all my dreams go up in smoke as my joint grows to twice its normal size.

“Fuck!” I yell in a rare show of emotion, throwing my head back on the couch and looking up at the ceiling. I close my eyes as I rub my hands across my face.

“I’m sorry.” Madison’s voice sounds so small and unsure.

I’m forced to look over to make sure she’s the one who spoke. Her mouth has dropped into a frown, and the crease between her eyes is deep. “I didn’t mean—”

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