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I climbed out first as Cinna grumbled her way through cleaning up, making my lips curve up at her inventive language as I toweled off, then waited, holding a towel open for her.

Her gaze stayed stubbornly averted as she quickly toweled off, then turned her attention to the sink cabinet, fishing out a toothbrush and paste and getting to work.

I thought this was the beginning of the wedge again, her putting up those walls, forcing me to stay on the outside of them.

But then her hand went back into the cabinet, producing a sealed pack of extra toothbrushes, holding it out to me in a silent invitation.

I had a feeling Cinna was not the kind of woman to offer you a toothbrush unless she was inviting you to stay the night.

So I took the offer, standing beside her as we both did such a normal, mundane task together like people who had been together for years, instead of two unattached people who were clumsily trying to not fall on our faces as we navigated this new terrain.

She bent to gather all of our discarded clothes, bringing them with her as she moved out into her bedroom, so I followed in my towel, trying to keep my lips from turning up, knowing how mercurial her moods could be, and if she was feeling the slightest bit unsure about this, seeing me smiling might send it all shattering to the ground.

“You’re too big,” she grumbled after tossing and turning for a few minutes, bumping into me each time.

“Your bed is too small,” I countered, sliding an arm under her and curling her up on my chest. “There. Better. Go to sleep.”

She turned her head up to shoot me narrowed eyes, but there was a soft smile on her lips as she rested back down on me before drifting off to sleep.

I lay there a while, fingers drifting through her drying hair, hoping I’d managed to carefully remove a few more bricks from her wall.

And that she wouldn’t try to hastily brick herself back up when she woke up in the morning.



I woke up with Dav still underneath me, his arm casually draped across my hips, his heartbeat a steady metronome against my ear, comforting in a way it had no right to be.

I knew I should move away, put some space between us, especially as my mind wished to be closer, to sink into his very skin.

But I couldn’t seem to make myself move, to create the wedge some part of me was still trying to convince me I needed.

It was just trying to protect me.

But… protect me from what?

From getting hurt? I’d been hurt before.

That same voice, though, whispered that it was different, that the kind of pain the ending of this might cause was the kind that I had no defenses against.

Still, I’d been through a lot.

There was no reason to assume I wouldn’t survive this as well.

So I let myself stay there, enjoying the feel of him, the warm sensation in my chest at being beside him.

Eventually, his fingers started to drift up and down my spine, taking me from warm and cozy to burning and aching in seconds.

That was all it took with him. The slightest of touches, the promise of more.

I slid more fully over him, my lips landing just below his jaw, then moving down the column of his throat, over his chest, down his stomach, my tongue tracing the dips of his muscles, loving the way his breath hitched and his muscles twitched as I kept moving downward.

I slipped under the covers, finding him already thick and straining, then teasing my tongue across his head, tasting his desire, then sucking him deep.

His hips bucked up into my mouth as he whipped away the covers, then gathered my hair out of the way, so he could watch as I worked him.

His breath grew fast and ragged as his hips rocked into my mouth, as his fingers dug into my neck, the taste of him filling my mouth as I worked him with my mouth and hand, the other slipping down to tease over his balls as his body tensed, and ragged groans started to escape him.

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