Page 69 of Royal Flush

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After a long time, she lifted her head to look up. “Is it my turn to talk now?”

He smiled. “Yes, it’s your turn.”

“Good.” She hugged him again. She wasn’t going anywhere until she had her say. “I haven’t known love either, at least, not like this. And I’ve been very focused on my career. I was attracted to you from the start. In fact, if working at Barrett hadn’t been such a feather in my cap, I might not have taken the job. I didn’t need entanglements. Didn’t want them slowing me down.”

“Neither of us did,” he said.

“Right.” Rowan took a step back from him, pointing between them. “This thing between us, it’s larger than life. And people make it work all the time.”

“I’m not people.”

There was the arrogant man she’d fallen for. “Neither am I. But we’re smart. It’s okay to have a life focus and a career focus. It happens all the time.”

“So does divorce.”

“Yes, my parents are divorced. But yours aren’t.”

“No, but I can’t say they have a good marriage, either. I think they stay with each other because it’s all they know.”

“Well, then, we have to be smarter than them. I can’t imagine this feeling I have for you ever diminishing, but I know that if I don’t follow it, don’t do everything I can to be with you, I’ll regret it the rest of my life. And, by the way, I’ll also be miserable. This past month has been terrible.”

He pulled her closer, ran a hand over her hair, and wound a strand around his finger. “For me too.” Gerard cupped her head in both his hands, turning her face up to him. “I love you, Rowan McCarthy. More than I ever thought possible.”

“And I love you more than Richie Rich’s vault full of money.”

He grinned. “So we’re going to do this.”

She breathed out, letting the last of her worries fade away. “I’m so glad you made that a statement, not a question.”

He leaned in, pausing just before their lips touched. Rowan tangled her fingers behind his neck. “I’m never letting you go,” she said, then pulled him in.

One kiss turned into another, each one a vow of love between them. A sacred promise to each other. A soothing of heart and soul, until warmth grew, and they moved to the bedroom.

She pulled her shirt over her head.

He did the same, then reached for the snap on her jeans as she reached for the belt buckle of his slacks. Once the clothing was gone, he lifted her until their lips touched again. Then he tossed her onto the bed, making Rowan yelp.

“Woman, I have been dreaming of this ever since that night.” His eyes gleamed as he joined her, pulling the breath from her with his kisses. “I intend to relearn every bit of your body, to prove that you are my one. My only. Stay with me.”

“Forever,” she whispered as he proceeded to do exactly what he’d promised. They came together in a blistering explosion of passion, surrounded and cocooned with a love so strong they would never get enough of each other.

The next morning, over naked breakfast that became more play than actually getting sustenance into their bodies, Gerard reached for his phone with Rowan ensconced on his lap.

“What are you doing?”

“Wiring a hundred grand to an account I have with the guys I play poker with.”

Her eyes widened. “That’s a lot of money. What’s it for?”

He grinned. “I lost a bet.”

“You—you lost a hundred thousand dollar bet?”

“Yes.” His grin widened.

“And you’re happy about that?”


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