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She sucked in a tense breath, hating that she gave herself away. “More intense? Not related to my mom?—”

“Not to worry, my sweet dove—if it comes to that, I will not permanently keep you from your mother, nor will I harm her. If I harm her, then I lose your heart, and that won’t do.”

You’ve already lost my heart.

“But be warned, Genevieve,”—he slowed his voice, edging it with a silky tone—“I will get what I want, so why play me? Why not just take the easy road and tuck yourself into my willing arms without a fight? I love you, and you know it. I won’t stop until you concede to be mine.”

She clenched her teeth. Was he insane? He’d become even bolder, creepier, and more conceited than when they’d dated. If overplayed, could she use those weaknesses against him? Genevieve had never taken him on before—she’d just been agreeable until she’d bolted. What would Jed do if pressed? The more she could learn about his reactions, the better.

A spark surged through her, and she added an edge to her voice. “You don’t know what love is.”

Jed tsked. “Careful, dove. Say what you like but be prepared for the consequences. I won’t be disrespected.” After a long pause, he sighed as if she had yet to understand how things would be between them. “Your resistance won’t deter me, and you’ll just make this more difficult on yourself if you do. Apologize.”

Apologize. Really? He was taking things to a whole new level. Genevieve pounded her head against the wall, vibrating a ladle her mom had hanging on a metal hook. Still hoping for a chance to escape, she didn’t want to put Jed’s guard up. So while her gut churned in revolt, she forced, “I’m sorry, Jed. Please forgive me for questioning you,” from her tight lips.

Another groan. “Keep responding like that, and you’ll have me wrapped around your finger for life.”

What a warped mind game. His idea of her having him wrapped around her finger was that she first be wrapped compliantly around his. How had she ever loved this man?

Genevieve gripped the phone so hard she thought she might crack the plastic. “How did you find me?”

“I will always find you, my dove, but given that you clearly weren’t ready to be caught, you never should have gone onto that show. You’re too smart for that.”

“I am. You’re right.”

“Why did you?”

She sighed. Why lie? He’d know if she did anyway. “I had a hard time finding a job using a fake identity. The man who finally hired me asked me to go on the show with him so he could help out a friend. I didn’t want to lose my only chance at a decent wage. Momma and I had no car, no cash left…no way to even buy a bus ticket. In short, we badly needed the money.”

He clicked his tongue. “Did you learn your lesson? You are not free to do as you please without me. Leave me, and I’ll make your life a living hell. Marry me, and you’ll never have to worry about anything ever again, least of all money. I’ll buy you anything you want.”

Without freedom, who truly gave a damn about money? Nothing mattered except cutting off the head of the snake. Enough is enough!

Genevieve glanced at her mom, locking onto her warm, anxious eyes. Her sound words repeated through her mind. Find an ally! Should Genevieve get Mr. King involved? No, that wasn’t fair. She didn’t have any right to mess up his life.

“You have forty-eight hours to appear in my casino by my side. If you’re not standing next to me by then, Momma Dear will be moved under my watchful eye, and you will not see her again until you comply with my terms. Don’t make me upset you. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Jed.”

His breath hitched. “Damn, I love to hear those two intelligent words come from your lips, dove. The more you use them, the happier you’ll be.”

She wrapped an arm around her waist. OMG, projectile vomit!

“Now, drive that red Camry of yours this way.”

The blood drained from her face, and she whimpered involuntarily. Of course they were already here. They’d probably been taking surveillance for days. Jed might be crazy, but he wasn’t dumb. In some ways, he was probably smarter than Mr. King—certainly more seasoned.

“Problem, dove?” His voice turned mock-playful. “You weren’t thinking of running off again, were you?”

Her jaw tensed. “Of course not.”

Jed snickered. “I won’t be lied to either, but we both know you are, so I’ll let it go this time.”

Genevieve rolled her eyes. Lucky me. Her grip tightened on the cheap plastic until her fingers turned white. Don’t say it. Don’t say it. “I was being sarcastic, Marshal, not lying.”

“Oh, dove. Couldn’t hold your tongue, huh? If that’s how you want to phrase it, then defying me under the pretense of sarcasm isn’t acceptable either.”

“So you’d prefer I lie to you?”

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