Page 44 of Ryder

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“How did you get here?” I ask and she looks at me blankly. I put my arms out like an aeroplane, “You fly?” I ask. “Boat?” I add, moving my hand up and down like it’s going over water. I sigh heavily.

“Boat,” she repeats, smiling and I nod.

“Yes, boat, on water?” She nods.

“Family?” I ask hopefully.

This time she shakes her head sadly. “Better life,” she says, nodding. “I here for better life.”

“With Finn. Finnegan?” I ask. She stares blankly again but the sound of the lock opening grabs our attention and she pushes back against me like she’s trying to hide.

Mary pops a tray on the top step and I dive up, rushing up the steps. “Mary, wait,” I gasp desperately. She hesitates. “It she okay, is Harlee okay?” I cry.

Mary glances back over her shoulder and turns back to Neve. “She’s fine. I’m looking after her well,” she whispers, smiling.

“Is Finn there, please ask him to come, I’ll do whatever he wants.”

“I haven’t seen him in a few days. Harlee is fine. I promise I’ll take care of her.” I frown, her words sound so final.

“Mary, what do you mean?”

She steps back and closes the door. I bang my fists against it, yelling Finn’s name over and over until my voice is hoarse.

Malia approaches me cautiously, and I realise I must look crazy behaving like this, but I feel so helpless.

On the tray is two bottles of water, four pain killers and two cheese sandwiches. Malia carries the tray down the steps and I follow. We sit in silence eating, and I think over ideas on how to get Finn’s attention.

A few more hours have passed since we ate and we’ve both slept for most of it. It’s only the sound of the lock that gets us stirring. Footsteps descend and I recognise his shiny shoes right away. “Wake up Princess, I hear you’ve been begging for me.” I sit up and he comes to a stop, looking at me with disgust. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

“I can leave?” I ask, hardly believing it.

“I need your services for a while.”

“What about Malia?” I ask as he holds out a hand.

I stand and take it. “She’ll be fine.”


“It’s a good deal,” mused Benedetto, his fingers rubbing his goatee.

“A very good deal. We’re much more reliable than Finn, that’s why you came to us months ago,” says Griff. “I’m sure you were just as sickened as us to hear about his recent dealings in sex slaves.”

“I came to you months ago and you turned me down. I’m meeting with Finn later this evening. I’ll discuss these rumours with him.”

“Meeting Finn, where?” I ask.

Ben eyes me suspiciously and Griff leans forward. “He’s taken Ryders old lady,” he says and I glare at him. “We’ve been trying to track her down.”

“I’ve never seen him with a woman. But this does explain your enthusiasm to ruin him,” says Ben.

“We’re being honest with you, Ben, that’s how we do business. We don’t hide shit and we don’t lie,” says Griff.

“That’s a good quality, I like that. Maybe we can discuss this offer further in the morning once I’ve straightened things with Finn? I’ll let you know if I see your old lady.”

He stands and we shake hands, signalling the end of our meeting.

“We’re gonna lose out on that deal, we’ll hardly make anything from it,” mutters Griff.

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