Page 43 of Ryder

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I sit back in my chair and wait for the brother’s to take a seat around the large table. I’d called church the second I got back to the club. We need to all be on the same page when it comes to taking down Finn fucking Lawerence.

I bang the gavel on the table to get everyone’s attention. The sound sends a radiating pain through my skull but I ignore it, whatever pain I’m in, is probably a lot less that Neve’s right now.

I throw the dead bunch of flowers onto the table and then men stare at them. “A get well present from the bastard himself,” I snap, “We staked out a few of Finn’s known businesses last night. Cal, fill us in.”

“We spent the night watching the docks where Finn brings his drugs in. All quiet, his lock up wasn’t manned and so we knocked on, couldn’t hear anything and we eventually managed to break in, but it was empty. We think he’s moved bases because we’d hit it the boat last week. He also runs with the Irish and so we checked their spot out but again nothing untoward.”

“Okay, Knox?” I ask, moving on.

“Same boss, nothing. We watched his house in central London. He had a party there which he attended with a blond female. By the end of the night it had turned to a swinger’s party, sex everywhere, including the garden. He left before that started but he was alone. We followed him to his bar on Canal Street,” Knox looked down at his notes, “Cantrell’s. An hour after he went inside some Italian looking guys went in, but we couldn’t get in without being obvious. They left two hours later, and we followed him back to his house where the party had finished. He’s acting normal boss, with no sign of Neve or the kid.”

I slam my hands on the table in frustration, the pain getting worse in my head. “I need to meet with him.”

“It’s not a good idea, Pres,” Griff advises, “It’s what he wants and you’re in no fit state to get into a fight with him. Besides, I have some news. I heard from my guy on the inside. He’s been put on security for a few of Finn’s sex parties, they’re always underground, with only certain members allowed. Mainly rich men. Anyway, he’s at another warehouse tonight. It’s all hush hush but he thinks that girls are being sold there. He’d heard from a few of Finn’s men that Finn used his boat to bring in foreign girls. He’s apparently promising them a good life and once they’re here, he has them trained to be submissive. If my man confirms all this tonight, he can pass it on to the force as intelligence.”

I sit straighter, “The cops won’t do shit. He’s untouchable and always has been. Half those rich bastards will be judges or cops themselves,” I spit angrily. “I’m screwed either way. I can’t kill the fucker in case he’s the only one that knows where Neve is.” I rub my hands over my tired face. “What if he’s sold Neve?” And for the first time, I feel completely useless.

“I doubt it. He’s choosing foreign girls that can’t talk to ask for help, and even if they could, why would they when they’re here illegally? They’re more scared of our authorities than they are of criminals like Finn, he will have told them horror stories of what will happen to them if they run,” says Griff.

I take a deep breath and nod in agreement. It makes sense. And I can’t imagine Neve keeping quite or complying without too much of a fuss. “I’m gonna contact the Italians and see if we can do a better deal that Finn. They’ll be asking questions about his ability to provide the guns and drugs after us hitting his boat twice. Let’s strike now.” The guys nod in agreement and I bang the gavel down, signalling the end of our meeting.

I head for the office and call Benedetto Ricci’s mobile. He answers straight away, his tone guarded, after all, I’ve already turned down two deals previously from the Italians. “Ethan Ryder Fenton,” he drawls in his Italian accent, “To what do I owe this pleasure?”

“Benedetto, how are you?”

“All good, is there a problem?”

“No, no problem. I wanted to arrange a meet with you.”

There’s a long pause. “About?” he eventually asks.

“Business. I hear that Finnegan Lawrence isn’t as reliable as he once promised.”

“Where did you hear that, Ryder? Your source is wrong.” Trust the Italians to not want to lose face and admit they’ve made a bad choice.

“I don’t think so Ben, to have his boat hit once is concerning, but twice, well…” I trail off.

“Twice?” Ben repeats. Clearly this is the first he’s heard about it. Finn must have made up some bullshit to delay his delivery.

“Yes, his boats are unguarded and he’s spending more time dealing in sex slaves than guns. We all know that slavery is a mugs game, you’d think our hot shot lawyer friend would also know this. You have younger sisters, Ben, you’re a smart man, you know women are worth their weight in gold. They shouldn’t be treated in such a bad way.”

“Where have you heard all of this?” Benedetto’s voice is angry, and I smile to myself.

“Meet me and we’ll talk properly. Maybe I can offer you a better deal?”

“Fine, come to Nico’s this evening at ten thirty.”

I disconnect as Griff enters the office. “We’re meeting the Italian’s at Nico’s tonight. Let’s come up with a deal he won’t refuse.”

Chapter Seventeen


I have spent hours keeping the woman warm. She shivers uncontrollably even though I’m wrapped around her with all three blankets too. I stroke her hair again and she stirs. Relief floods me, I was beginning to give up hope. She opens her eyes and they dart around in sheer panic. I smile kindly, “It’s okay,” I whisper, “You’re going to be okay. I’m Neve.”

“Neve,” she repeats, her voice croaky. “I Malia.” I realise she’s not from England and my heart sinks. This poor woman isn’t going to understand anything I say and she’s probably terrified.

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