Page 60 of Fame And Secrets

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Chapter Twenty-Two


I held the yellow scarf in my hands as I heard Faith open the front door to greet people. A glance in the mirror assured me I was physically ready to face a houseful of well-wishers at my baby shower.

Minus one person.

Julian had broken his promise again. I’d left him at least twenty voice mails, all of which remained unanswered.

The scarf tightened in my hands. I found it tied to the mailbox underneath the yellow balloons adorning it and quickly ripped it off before anyone could see it. Faith hadn’t mentioned a word about it when I came back inside, so I assumed she knew nothing of its existence.

It was just as well.

She didn’t need to know that on my sixth birthday, my mom decorated the house with her yellow scarves. We didn’t have money for real decorations, but I didn’t know any different. I thought it was beautiful. My father arrived in a drunken rage, ripped down all the scarves, and choked her with them.

“Pheebs?” Faith called out from downstairs. “People are showing up. You coming?”

Shoving the dingy scarf in a drawer, I checked my reflection one last time. I’d spent my entire life pretending to hide my true emotions.

One more day would be nothing.

“Coming,” I called, descending the steps as the guest of honor at a party I already hated.


“Oh, how adorable!” Faith held up the mint green onesie, showing it to everyone. Kristina shrugged. It was nice of her to come and bring a gift, but I knew she felt awkward as hell. I had to give her props for even showing.

I wouldn’t have.

Ty, Ryker, and Kristina’s receptionist, Risa, sat around the room, drinking beer and staring at my gift opening as if they wanted to slit their wrists. I couldn’t blame them. It was the party from hell. As Faith handed me another present, the doorbell rang.

“I’ll get it.” Ryker and Ty jumped simultaneously and fought each other for the door. I wasn’t sure if they’d answer it or make a run for it. If I were them, I’d opt for Plan B.

I didn’t look up until the voice, melodic with cadence and inflection, carried in from the doorway. “I know it’s not a party without me, but fuck-cheezits, people! Do I need to pass out a bong to liven this bitch up?” With tears in my eyes, I ran and jumped into his arms. His throaty laugh vibrated against me as he stumbled inside. “Damn, woman, are you growing a baby or a litter? You weigh a fucking ton.”

I buried my face in the hollow of his neck. “I’ve missed you.”

His lips found my cheek. “And I you, baby doll.”

My mood lifted, and the rest of the shower passed with me wound around every limb Gage Harlow had. He held me just as tightly. I hadn’t seen my best friend and New York City roommate in over three months, but it felt like years. I missed him. I missed our brother and sister vibe. I missed hearing him call me baby doll. He was my own security blanket.

Gage told us all about his flourishing acting career, and how he’d landed two made-for-TV movies and a feature role in an independent film. He explained that was how he was able come to the party. Faith had called him out of courtesy, but the shower happened to coincide with his shooting schedule in Lake Tahoe. Afterward, he was driving a rental car on location for a few months.

“A few months?” My forehead lifted in curiosity. “What about Parker?” When I’d left New York, Gage had moved in with his boyfriend. Ironically, they’d met the same night Julian and I did.

Gage shrugged. “Things happen, Pheebs. Some things are meant to be.” He motioned to my swollen stomach. “Some things aren’t. Our schedules don’t mesh right now.”

For some reason, the news upset me. It reminded me of the broken communication between Julian and me. “But you love him.”

“I always will,” he explained with a smile. “And maybe someday we’ll work out. But right now, we’re okay with where we are. If it’s meant to happen for us…it will.”

After dragging the party out waiting for Julian, it was obvious he wasn’t coming, and people left. We never cut the cake Faith baked, because she’d dyed the batter either pink or blue. Julian and I were supposed to cut into it together and announce to everyone, including ourselves, what we were having.

I didn’t have the heart to go near it.

At the door, Gage and I hugged for a long time before he dried my tears with his perfectly manicured thumb. “None of this now. Three months without me and you’ve turned into a damn Stepford wife.” He motioned a hand to my sundress. “What’s this, baby doll? What’s going on here?” Gage clucked his tongue and raised an eyebrow.

I grinned through the tears. “I don’t have you to dress me anymore.”

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