Page 55 of Tethered Desire

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“It was shallower than expected,” he informed us.

“Are you okay?” I asked, arching a brow.

He shrugged.

Shaking my head, I felt around the rocks with my feet.

“I wish there was at least sand to scrub myself with,” I sighed. “Perhaps a rock would work.”

“Use my fur,” Bracken suggested.

I eyed it and then reached out to feel his chest. He was too soft to do anything, but it was better than nothing, so I rubbed my arms over him.

Bracken made a happy sound, remaining still while I tried to scrub myself clean. Then, he grabbed my arms and pulled me taught against his chest.

“Now rub your chest on me,” he ordered.

The glint in his eyes and erection digging into my abdomen made it more than clear that he wasn’t much interested in getting me clean.

Kiar’s hands landed on my back, and he started to rub them over me, at least helping a little bit.

It was all very ridiculous and silly. If this was a team of human warriors, none of them would be so insistent for more. If I had told them we were washing ourselves in the water, they would have done as I said. But these nocs didn’t see me as much of an authority figure. I couldn’t exactly blame them either because as Kiar pressed to my back, sandwiching me between them, my body responded just the way they wanted it to.

There was something about them, or our bond, I wasn’t sure which, but their presence was like an aphrodisiac to me.

By the time Kiar’s hands were running over my hips, I was arching, pressing my cock into Bracken’s thigh while Kiar pushed both of his between my thighs.

I pressed my legs together instinctively, squeezing him.

He moaned against my ear, taking a moment to thrust into the tight space I’d created for him before withdrawing and placing his cock against my hole.

“I was really just planning to clean off,” I protested weakly.

I didn’t know who I was trying to argue with. No one here would judge me for this. Well, except perhaps Hadi, but he hadn’t even come down to the shore. As far as I knew, he’d gone for a walk.

“Fuck me,” I groaned and Kiar shuddered softly against me before pushing into my hole. I swallowed him greedily, my eyes rolling at the pure pleasure. After weeks of consistently being fucked, my body’s resistance to the intrusion was all but gone. It felt a little cold, but even that was somehow pleasurable as the friction of his cock inside me began to warm me from the inside.

I moaned, head falling onto Bracken’s chest as I clung to him.

“Not fair,” Clem’s sulking voice said from the shore. “I want to join. Come out of the water.”

I didn’t have a chance to say anything because Bracken let out a frustrated sound and had to practically get to his knees to push his cock between my thighs, taking the now empty spot.

He rutted against me, his cock stroking against my skin and Kiar’s second cock while my naga moved sensuously in and out.

I could barely hold in my cries of pleasure.

“I can’t take this anymore,” Bracken groaned into my hair and suddenly, he hooked his hands under my knees and hoisted me up, so that my legs were wrapped wide around his waist.

“Keep going. Open him for me,” he practically begged Kiar. “Stretch him.”

Before I could argue, Kiar bit my shoulder hard enough for the fangs to cut into my skin.

I gasped, my body jerking with surprise while at the same moment, he shoved his second cock into me.

The fucking bastard had distracted me–and it worked.

My body wrenched into a tight line, mouth falling open in a silent cry.

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