Page 53 of Tethered Desire

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“Normally, when I go to battle, an entire army accompanies me,” I informed him. “Forgive me, but I did not have high hopes for us five forsaken beings.”

Behind the others, Hadi snorted and shot his web high into one of the trees above us before ascending.

I watched him go, realizing that he was settling amongst the branches and let out a relieved sigh.

“Yes. Let us rest. Tomorrow we will reach Tsuki’s mountain and begin our ascent.”

“How long will it take to get to the top?” Clem asked, rubbing his eyes.

“I’m not sure,” I admitted, “but there will be a rope to help us when we reach the midway point.”

“I will fly us to the top,” Bracken argued. “It will be faster.”

Kiar shook his head fervently.

“There are too many looking for us. We have enemies on all sides. If we are spotted and attacked by other flying nocs before reaching the top–”

“Kiar is correct. We will climb.”

I yawned.

“But first, sleep.”

“I will keep watch,” Kiar said, but I shook my head.

“No Kiar,” I said. “You need to rest too.”

“Then I will keep watch,” Bracken offered.

It wasn’t ideal, but Kiar hadn’t slept as much as the rest of us lately.

“Wake me before morning and I will switch with you,” he said.

Bracken nodded.

Satisfied, I allowed Kiar to bundle around me and Clem. He made the perfect pillow, his arms warm and welcoming, but I didn’t doubt that I could have slept on jagged rocks right now.

At least the weather hadn’t dipped into freezing again.

It felt like I barely shut my eyes and then suddenly I was being shaken awake by Kiar and I was sprawled across Bracken.

Disoriented, it took me a minute to remember where I was and what was happening, but after a few minutes and a few bites, we were on the road again.

The moonstone hung heavy in my pocket as we crept along. With every step, it hit my thigh as though to give me a constant reminder that the survival of the human race was now in my hands alone. And I was surrounded by nocs.

I glanced up at the two who walked ahead of me. Bracken and Kiar, both on high alert, their gazes darting around us at every sound or movement.

At my side, Clem walked, looking deep in thought.

Behind us, Hadi followed, like the unwanted child.

I glanced back at him.

He caught me looking at once, but even the quick meeting of eyes was enough to tell me that my suspicions were correct. There was a lightness to Hadi now that had not been there before. When our gazes locked, his were not filled with as much vitriol.

It was still there, but less potent, more detached.

We were far from friends. I had no doubt that he would kill me for the stone in my pocket if it wouldn’t take him down with it, but the anger in him had eased slightly with Kovit’s violent death.

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