Page 35 of Tethered Desire

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Sun met my gaze. My heart was already racing at the idea of trying to keep him safe while we were attacked on all sides by other nocs but the look in his dark, almond eyes told me that I was not going to win.

“We have no choice,” he repeated.

Chapter 9


Kiar knew I was right. His whole body tensed, like he was in agony from the truth. His tail rattled back and forth, but finally, reluctantly, he relented, releasing a ragged sigh as he swooped his hair back from his tired eyes.

“….Fine. But I don’t think this is wise,” he said, reaching out, his hand stopping near mine.

Without thinking, I grabbed it and squeezed it tight, trying to reassure him and myself.

What else could we do? The stone was in Yin Valley. Overrun with nocs or not, a hopeless mission or not, we had to go there to retrieve it.

“It is settled. Since you weaklings are exhausted, rest now, let us regroup in the morning,” their king said, and I glared as he lifted himself back into the trees.

I hated to admit it, but he was right. My chest was tight, and I could hear Clem struggling to breath behind me, both of my hands held by my nocs whose heartbeats thudded against my wrists. They were holding me up, too, seeing as I was exhausted.

My risen enemy was killing me swiftly, draining me and us more rapidly than before. I wanted to be free from him desperately, so I could slash his throat.

However, as I gazed up at Alhadya’s monstrous form before he disappeared into the leaves, I knew this fate was as inescapable as his web had been last night.

“Shall we hunt together?” I asked Kiar who glowered. “It’s a good way to boost our strength before we begin walking again. Now that the panthera is dead and Alhayda is mollified, the woods should be quiet enough. There were no other signs of nocs along the way.”

Agitated, Kiar lowered himself until we saw eye to eye, tugging on my arms until he snatched me against his chest, away from Bracken and Clem.

And there was no reason for it this time, except that he must want to embrace me.

His breath ghosted against my ear as he said, “No hunting. We forage. We’ve had enough close encounters with death to last a lifetime. No more killing until we reach Yin Valley. Drink what nectar has not withered on the vine and return to camp as fast as you can.”

Kiar’s rough hands curled around my waist, dragging me against his lithe upper body. “I won’t be able to focus on foraging if you’re by my side. So, stick close to Bracken and Clem for now. I’ll keep watch and make sure he doesn’t touch you again.”

Kiar didn’t need to name him. He meant he’d keep Alhayda off of me. As I understood the totality of his statement, Kiar pushed away from me and slithered off, leaving me dumbfounded and my chest tight with emotion.

“Pink,” Clem said as his frosty fingertip poked my cheek, making me yelp.

“Stop that,” I demanded but Clem only chuckled softly in return, but it was too high pitched, almost manic. I only caught a bit of his smile before Bracken lifted him, but it was forced. That much I knew for certain.

“Well, let’s get to work. An empty stomach won’t help us reach the Goddess,” Bracken said, standing with Clem in his arms, using his wing to provide me some much-needed cover from the wind as I refused to be held.

Despite his cheerful tone, as I peered up at him, I could tell his smile was false too. His eyes told a different story, a need to dish our cruelty, fingers flexing beside me.

I cast my eyes to the ground and kept walking, reassuring myself that driving a wedge between the noc king and his most loyal servants was for the best.

So why does it make my heart feel so restless?

“You eat this dreadful stuff?” Clem asked, gasping in shock as I laughed.

We had taken to a patch of brush to pick fruit. Whatever magic had warped the land was a blessing, as we harvested more than should be growing even if it was only early winter.

“Yes, we eat snow. Sometimes as water, often as frozen treats. You let these,” I pointed to the pile of shrubberies inside an animal skin on the ground, “freeze inside a block of ice to give it flavor.”

Clem stuck his tongue out in disgust, and I smiled, but it faltered as he clung to me. He’d always been clingy, but there was a desperation in his grasp now.

I’d forgiven him for his lies. And I was trying to ignore whatever strange nightmare he’d had about me. Clem was the most in tune with all of us and truth be told, he hadn’t been very happy about the visions either. Yes, I was tired of him lying to me, but I hadn’t anticipated the mayhem confronting him would cause.

Kissing the fuzz on his head, I tried to reason with myself. I had no reason to apologize or feel embarrassed for making him beg and cry like that on his knees. I hadn’t asked him to! I just demanded the truth as anyone would have in that predicament.

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