Page 34 of Tethered Desire

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He looked saddened by the fact that we had spent so much time trying to destroy each other’s people, but Sun appeared to be unbothered. This was part of life to him, just as it was to us. Still, he gave Clem’s hand a squeeze before continuing.

“Before the noc invasion, the stones were used for different purposes. For prayers, to end droughts, to cure diseases and to talk to the gods. It was the job of the priests of each temple to consult with the gods each year to keep peace with them.”

A chill traveled through me, all the way to the tip of my tail.

Clem sat up slowly.

This time, Sun gave him his full attention, helping him upright and then keeping him steady with an arm around his shoulders.

“I would like to talk to Tsuki,” Clem said, enthralled. “She gave me all my magic.”

“She gave all the nocs their powers,” Sun reminded him. “You are her people, created to punish the human race.”

We fell silent and I couldn’t help but wonder what it all meant. Why would the goddess turn against them in that way? Why had she chosen us? Was there a purpose we were supposed to carry out? Did she truly want us to eradicate the humans who had always served her?

“Enough stalling,” Hadi hissed from above us. He tilted his head, looking down at us with his bug-like eyes. “What do we need to do?”

“To speak to Tsuki, we must first retrieve her stone. Then, we must take it to her highest temple.”

“Where is that?” Bracken asked.

“Her highest temple is nestled in the Naran mountain range. All of her temples have been long abandoned, we should have no trouble reaching it.”

He bit his lip, showing the first sign of worry over this plan and his gaze flickered up to Hadi again.

“What is it?” I asked.

“The only problem is that Tsuki can only be reached on the blood moon. That is when she is the closest.”

Clem frowned.

“But… the next blood moon is only one week from today.”

He nodded.

“Yes. And the stone…”

Everyone held their breath as we hung on the edge of finally knowing the information we had spent years seeking.

I saw the moment he decided to tell us, the way his eyes shut, and his shoulders sagged.

“It is in the Yin Valley.”

There was a long moment of silence.

“I knew it!” Hadi hissed. “It was there during the battle!”

“Right under your noses,” Sun agreed. “But I will not share the exact location. I will retrieve it myself.”

“But now the entire valley has been won by the nocs,” Bracken reminded us. “I may be a good warrior, but I don’t think I can take on an entire army.”

The thought made the hairs rise all over my body.

“We have no choice,” Sun said.

“No,” I argued. “We are not going there. We’ll end up dead again, this time permanently. This time we will take you with us.”

The thought of Sun dying because of us made my chest ache. I would not allow it.

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