Page 29 of Tethered Desire

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For a moment, to my shock, I thought Clem might actually win as he clung to Alhadya’s four arms with all his strength. Perhaps our tether gave him strength now beyond that of a normal mothian.

Suddenly, Alhadya let out a frustrated grunt and threw his arms out, dislodging Clem.

“You filthy traitor!” he shouted and the small, poisonous looking points at the front of his hips stabbed out, catching Clem in the stomach before he threw him viciously aside.

Sickly colored blood sprayed from Clem.

He gasped, somewhat caught himself midair and then fluttered down, all the way to the web, allowing it to catch him.


He turned his head weakly, looking at me like he’d let me down, then he turned his gaze back up to Alhadya’s ominous form.

“Please, let Sun go,” he begged.

Alhadya growled and then there was a streak of black through the air as Bracken dove into the clearing.

From the side, Kiar burst through the sand.

Both stood between me and Alhadya, breathing hard.

For a moment, there was silence.

Finally, Bracken glanced over at Clem, who was still lying prone and still glowing, and let out a soft growl.

“Foolish moth!” he spat. “We told you to wait for us.”

“Sun would have died if I waited. We all would have,” he argued weakly, and I knew he was right. Despite being far from a warrior, he had done everything he could to stall Alhadya’s plan to end me long enough for them to get here.

“It’s okay now,” Kiar said, calm strength in his voice. “We are finally all together. The five of us will learn to work together.”

“Listen to you three,” Alhadya mused. “Defending the human noc killer.”

He crawled backwards over his web, crouching when he reached the upper edges and looked down at the scene with a sneer clear on his lips.

“What exactly do you want, Kiar? For me to become one of Sun’s pets? Like you?”

I could practically feel Kiar’s shame.

This was his king, I reminded myself. All three of my nocs had been his loyal servants until waking up in my cell.

I struggled to remain calm as I laid there, barely able to breath because the web was tied around me so tightly.

My gaze flew to Clem once more. His strange light was still illuminating all of us. Initially, I’d thought it was moonlight for a split second of confusion but now, I suddenly understood.

“Moon magic,” I whispered. Clem’s tired gaze fixed on me. The other three stilled. “The moon goddess, Tsuki, is responsible for all of this.”

“Sun,” Kiar hissed. “Not now.”

He probably thought that I was rambling and delirious, but I wasn’t. For the first time, I saw everything.

“Listen to me,” I insisted. “Tsuki created the nocs–she created all night creatures. Her stone is the one you all want–the one that can end all human life. Clem used moon magic to bring you all back to life and to bind you to me. Tsuki is the one who has all the answers.”

“Stop your raving!” Alhadya snarled and leaped into the air, straight over his two subordinates, intent on ending my life once and for all.

He landed on top of me, all eight legs surrounding my body as he crouched low, reaching for my exposed neck with all four hands before suddenly, Kiar was wrapped around his torso holding his arms down with all of his strength and Bracken was blocking me.

My heart raced at the implication.

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