Page 21 of Tethered Desire

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Me and Kiar exchanged an incredulous look and then Kiar pulled away entirely.

“I’m going to keep watch for a bit,” he said with a world-weary sigh.

For some reason, this only made the two in my arms laugh harder.

“Let’s just sleep,” I suggested uncomfortably.

Why had I never thought of the fact that Kiar’s mouth could open like that? There were so few who could take my cock with ease... I shook the thought away. I wanted to fuck Sun. He had distracted me with strange possibilities.

To my disappointment, now he was quickly falling asleep in my arms. They both were and I supposed he was just too tired. Oh well. He had been through so much. I would never forgive General Kovit for torturing Sun or killing us.

For a while, a fantasy of tearing the other batbeast apart lulled me to sleep. Oh, if only....

I fell asleep to the lovely image, and then woke just as suddenly as Clem shouted and leaped from my arms.

I sat up, shocked to realize how deeply I had been asleep.

“Clem!” Kiar shouted and Sun tore off after him.

“What is happening?!” I demanded, jumping into the air, my heart racing at the sudden action.

“Nothing!” Kiar shouted as we took off after the pets. “Clem just started shouting and then he stood and ran!”

A dream! I realized something must have spooked him. But making so much noise in the middle of the forest in the middle of the night would do nothing but draw out unwanted nocs. We didn’t want anyone to know where we were!

Following the sound of Clem’s screams, suddenly, we rounded on them.

I went rigid, and so did Kiar, as my fear came to fruition. An enormous tiger-like predator loomed over Sun, who was defending Clem near a pit. His sleeve was torn, dagger drawn, begging our mate to, “Wake up! Clem wake the hell up!”

A panthera. They were rare nocs. The type to keep to themselves and hunt other nocs for food just as easily as they would hunt a deer.

It moved toward them and as a last-ditch effort, Sun pushed Clem back. He fell off of the ledge, limp, not even trying to break his fall. The panthera went after him.

I shot through the air toward the panthera at the same moment that Kiar did, but it was already mid-air, leaping toward Clem…

Chapter 6


“Who are you? Do you want to be friends?”

Startled by the unfamiliar voice, I flinched away from it, seeking the comfort of my master’s arms, Sun’s warm embrace, or even Kiar’s sturdy tail. Yet, I felt none of them as my back hit something sturdy and freezing cold. But it didn’t feel like snow.

How strange, I thought, my eyes slowly adjusting to the blinding light above me.

It was like a halo, distant and radiant, and I was trapped at the bottom of a black abyss. How I ended up here when I fell asleep in Sun’s arms, sheltered in Bracken’s wings the night before, was a mystery.

“Are you hurt? Momo can kiss it better,” the disembodied voice whispered to me again, coming from every direction it seemed, followed by laughter that echoed, distorted, so high pitched that I couldn’t place it.

I gulped, realizing I was in a lucid dream. I had not dreamed often since my awakening, and the few dreams I did have were mere fragments, barely recognizable in the land of the living.

Yet sometimes, drifting in between life and death, I did have what humans called dreams. But this one felt different, sinister, despite the sweet innocence of the voice speaking to me.

I began backtracking, remembering we had traveled many nights since escaping Black Lantern across the forest uphill, forced to stay on foot or fly below the treeline to avoid detection from flying noc patrollers who could send word to the enemy faster than we could stop them.

Stronger together, the last time I closed my eyes, all had been well.

Last night had been no different than the previous few, as we all snuggled together to keep warm from the biting cold. Even Kiar had taken to resting with us, especially now that he no longer blamed me for monopolizing Sun’s affection.

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