Page 19 of Tethered Desire

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His cheeks reddened as Clem approached and carefully placed his creation on top of Sun’s head.

“There,” Clem said sweetly.

Sun shook his head, but he did not look displeased. He looked fond of Clem and almost lovingly toward him.

“Here,” I said, lifting my day’s catch high up for Sun to see. Surely food was more important than flowers that would wilt and die on top of his pretty hair.

To my immense disappointment, Sun grimaced.

“Great, thank you,” he said, putting down his little weapons and standing to look at my catch more closely.

“You do not like it,” I said. I could feel myself deflating. What was it that Sun did like? Why couldn’t I figure it out?

“I could do without the dead rats to be completely honest,” he agreed.

“Perhaps you would prefer these,” Kiar said, finally arriving.

It was more than a little gratifying when Sun’s face fell at the sight of Kiar’s bounty.

“Oh... is that a nest of baby birds?” he asked uneasily.

“Well... yes,” Kiar said slowly. “Do you not want any of it?”

Sun swallowed, looked between us and then sighed.

Carefully, he stepped toward me, examining the animals in my hands.

“I supposed I can have this one,” he said, plucking the rabbit from my hands. Then he went to Kiar. “I’ll take this one too.”

I watched him select one of the medium sized pheasants and then he stood back.

We both preened.

“I’ll have to prepare them and cook them to eat, but... I suppose we have already waisted most of the day and it will be good to have food to take with us as we travel. It will save us more time as we go.”

“Of course,” Kiar agreed readily. “Take your time Sun, we can always continue our journey in the evening.”

He nodded but did not move, eyeing us both.

“All I ask is that, if you are going to eat the rest, please do it where I cannot see or hear you.”

There it was again, that uneasy grimace. Suddenly, everything clicked.

“Ah, I see! It bothers you when we eat!” I said triumphantly.

Sun’s face scrunched cutely.

“That’s an understatement.”

The food that remained in my hands was barely enough to fill my stomach, but I took it with me, went behind a bush and devoured it.

When I returned, Sun had started a small fire and was skinning the animals and cutting them up.

It seemed much messier than how I ate, and certainly gorier than how Kiar ate. After all, he swallowed everything whole, but humans were odd creatures, so I let it be.

It took some time for Sun to finish cooking his meal and eat. When he did, he didn’t even finish half of it.

What was left, he wrapped up in leaves and tucked into the skins he had prepared from our leftovers last night.

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