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“Count yourself lucky that I am not there right now. Oh, the things I would do to you. The pain I would inflict on you.”

“Please, make them stop…” he pleaded.

“Did you make your men stop when they chased my wife across the city?” I asked and received no response.

“We're…two brilliant businesspeople, you, and me. We can settle this amicably …there's–there's no need for violence or bloodshed…” he rambled on and on, trying to save his skin.

“You can't talk your way out of this one, Trevor. Your salesman skills cannot and will not save you now.”

“Please, don't do this. I'll do anything …I'll give you anything. Just please, spare my life.”

“You're even a bigger fool than I thought, if you think you have anything that I want,” I replied, satisfied by the way he was begging. The fear in his voice was music to my ears. “The only thing I want from you is your life.”

“No …I'm begging you. I have a wife, I've got kids. I'm a family man.”

“You should have thought of that before you attacked my own family. You see, Trevor, the difference between you and me is that, unlike you, when I go after someone … when I shoot at them... I don't miss. I never miss. I warned you once before and you should have listened to me.”

He begged for his life like a frightened little brat. He was no longer the tough and untouchable man he thought he was. His whining annoyed me.

“You messed with the wrong man, Trevor,” I said to him. “Remember that when you rot in hell.”

I ignored his pleas and ordered Savic to do what was necessary. “Kill him.” My voice was filled with hatred. “And do it slowly. Make sure he suffers.”

I heard blade rubbing on blade as Trevor whimpered.

“Trevor White,” I drew his attention, “you will rot in hell for all eternity because you know that I, Nikolai Wolkov, put you there.”

He cried out as a knife dug through his flesh. I heard his bones snap, and his screams grew louder.

Chapter 19 - Ashley

Six months later

When I opened my eyes in the middle of the night, a feeling of unease settled over me like a heavy blanket. Nikolai was sleeping soundly next to me, and I didn't want to disturb him. But something didn't feel right in my body. I was plagued by cramps, hunger pangs and general discomfort.

As I rolled over in bed, I noticed once again how big my belly had become. It was a beautiful reminder of the life that was growing inside me; however, I still felt a bit self-conscious.

Despite my insecurities, I enjoyed every minute of this pregnancy. Nikolai was an incredible partner throughout the journey and that helped me a lot. He pampered me beyond my wildest dreams.

From foot massages to late night cravings, he did everything he could to make me feel loved and cared for. Even though he tried to pretend to be a tough guy, I could see the sparkle in his eyes when he felt our baby kicking.

No matter how I felt about my appearance, he also made sure that I always felt beautiful. He stared at me longingly and told me I was the sexiest woman in the world, even when I felt I looked my worst.

His love and attraction for me was unbroken, even though he tried to control himself in my presence in view of my condition. It was a wonderful feeling that he still wanted me.

I remembered one particular evening when I felt very depressed about my changing body. I had stood in front of the mirror with tears in my eyes.

Nikolai came in, his gaze full of admiration, as if he had sensed my discomfort. He wrapped his arms around me and gently kissed my forehead while whispering softly in my ear. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever known, malyshka. Your body creates life for me, and that is the most incredible thing I have ever seen.”

Throughout the pregnancy there were moments like this, he made sure I felt supported and cherished every second my confidence wavered. He accompanied me to doctor's appointments and prepared a nursery worthy of a prince or princess - he was fully involved in the journey of becoming a parent.

I knew in my heart that he would be a wonderful father, and this thought filled me with overwhelming joy. I had always wanted to have a loving family. Now it was coming to me in the most unconventional way, but I knew I wouldn’t change a thing.

As I lay there, feeling the steady breaths of my perfect man next to me, I couldn't help but smile. Despite the discomfort and uncertainty, I knew that our love and the arrival of our little one would be worth everything.

Nik woke up when I shifted a little more on the bed. His sleepy eyes were full of concern as he asked, “Do you need anything, malyshka?”

My heart swelled at his care, but I didn’t want to worry or stress him. I put on my bravest smile and whispered to him, “No, I’m fine, go back to sleep.”

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