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‘Drive safely and text me once you get home.’

She never got to send him that text.Chapter 4KingsleyI was tired but the moment I crawled into bed I started thinking about the day.

And Mason’s weird behavior.

When I hear footsteps coming toward the room, I quickly turn on my side, so I’m facing the wall, then shut my eyes.

“Try to sleep. You need the rest after searching hours for Kingsley,” Lake whispers.

Mason grumbles something I can’t make out. They move around the room, and a couple of minutes later, I hear them settling into bed.

I peek at the wall, then almost roll my eyes at myself, because I’m lying with my back to the guys.

Lake lets out a sigh, then whispers, “Talk to me.”

“Just flashbacks about Jen,” Mason’s voice rumbles low.

Realization creeps into the back of my mind. I knew Mason’s sister died in an accident. I was thirteen back then and still trying to adjust to the new wealthy lifestyle after my dad made it big. I didn’t know much about Mason, Lake, and Falcon.

It was during my senior year that I learned as much as I could about the wealthy society I was apart of, so I would fit in easier once I started at the Academy.

Come to think of it, I’m only a year older now than Mason was when he lost his sister.

“Nothing to worry about,” Mason breathes, but the words sound heavy with grief.

“What triggered it?” Lake asks.

Mason remains quiet for a while.

My eyes widen when my nose starts to itch.

Crap, don’t sneeze.

I wiggle my nose and moving as quietly as I can, I rub it.

“The girls,” Mason whispers. “Certain things they do remind me of Jen.” He pauses for a couple of seconds, then adds, “Then there was the avalanche, and not being able to hold onto Kingsley.”

The rhythm of my heart slows down as if it’s trying to whisper the beats so the guys won’t hear.

“You don’t want to take the meds? It will help with the shock.”

Lying in the darkness and listening to them whisper, slowly begins to alter my perception of Mason.

“I’m not going to take that shit. I’ll deal with the flashes.”

“Don’t take it out on Kingsley, though,” Lake murmurs.

There’s another moment of silence, and I find I’m holding my breath, so I won’t miss what Mason says next.

“It hurts to be around her.” His admission makes me press my lips together, and I shut my eyes tightly, a wave of guilt hitting hard. “It’s the same with Layla, but Falcon will kick my ass if I snub his girl.”

“What are you going to do?” Lake asks.

“Deal with the shit somehow.” Mason lets out a heavy breath. “They’re not going anywhere, so I’ll just have to deal.”

Layla said she thought Mason’s aggressive attitude was all a smokescreen. It’s his way of trying to cope with his loss. I thought he hated me but hearing he’s hurting because of me… I don’t know what to do with the information.

“I’m here for you,” Lake mumbles, sounding half asleep.

“Thanks, buddy.”

Long after they fall asleep, I lie awake, listening to the cabin creaking from the wind blowing outside.

Honestly, I’m still scared of him, but now that I know his offensive behavior is only a mask he hides his pain behind, I can’t help but wonder if there’s a way to melt the frozen shard of ice he calls a heart.

There must be something I can do to make things easier for Mason.“Five minutes,” I mumble when someone calls me.

“Kingsley!” Hearing Mason’s shout has my eyes flying open, as I shoot up into a sitting position. I’m disorientated and have to blink a couple of times before glancing around the dark room.

“Jen, wake up,” Mason whimpers, and the heartbreaking sound instantly clears my mind of the sleep.

I glance over to where he’s lying and see Lake shake Mason’s shoulder. “Wake up, buddy.”

Mason’s breathing speeds up, and then it hitches.

I lie back down and cover my mouth with my hands as I watch Lake shifts closer to Mason, wrapping his arms around him.

“I’ve got you,” Lake whispers.

Mason's arm moves around Lake, and when he grabs hold of his shirt, my heart almost cracks in half.

Oh, my God. I’ve never seen anything so heartbreaking in my life.

Tears well in my eyes, and I grab hold of the covers, pressing it to my mouth.

Hearing Mason’s erratic breaths only makes it so much worse.

“I’m here,” Lake keeps whispering calming words.

I can only hear Mason’s breaths for a while, then he gets up, and I quickly shut my eyes. I hear him walk out of the room, and when Lake doesn’t follow him, I assume he went back to sleep.

I sit up, and worried about Mason, I throw the covers back and scoot to the foot of the bed. I use the wall to help me get up, then peek out onto the landing, but I can’t see him.

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