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Mason slams into me, and wrapping his arms around me, he almost lifts me off the ground with a tight hug.


I still have my hands up in the air, and while I try to decide whether I should hug him back, his body shudders against mine.

“Fuck,” he whispers. “I’m so sorry I didn’t pull you toward me.” His voice is tight with emotion.

I bring my left hand down to his arm and awkwardly pat him. “It’s okay.”

I glance up the mountain, silently hoping Layla, or anyone else would appear, but I’m fresh out of luck.

“Uhm… where’s the rest of the group?”

My question has Mason pulling back. He lets go of me, and I almost lose my balance, which has him grabbing hold of my left arm.

I wait for him to snap at me, but he doesn’t. Instead, he glances down at my right leg, which is still up in the air.

He doesn’t say anything, and when he crouches down in front of me, turning his back to me, I blink stupidly at him.

“Get on, Hunt. I can’t carry you and move through the snow. I need my arms free.”

“Oh.” I place my hand on his shoulder and begin to lean forward.

Well, this isn’t awkward at all.

Reaching behind him, Mason takes hold of my thighs and pulls me flush against his back. I let out a surprised squeak and quickly wrap my left arm around his neck.

I’m just about to ask who he is and what he’s done with the real Mason, but I swallow the words down when I glance at his face. Usually, Mason looks pissed. But the way his breaths explode over his lips along with the distressed frown between his eyes, it makes him look like a totally different person.

Shit, no!

“Did anyone get hurt?” I blurt out, fearful something bad has happened to one of my friends.

Mason shakes his head and begins to move.

“So, everyone is fine?”

He nods again, then swallows hard.

“Your face tells me something happened,” I argue, needing to know the truth.

“Shut up, Hunt,” he mutters as if it’s taking a lot of effort for him to speak.

A new worry begins to niggle.

What if he hurt himself?

“Are you okay?”

“Kingsley!” he snaps. “Shut the fuck up.”

Nope, he’s okay. It must be my imagination.When we finally make it to where the rest of the group is, I let out a relieved sigh.

“You found her!” Layla cries, and she begins to stumble through the snow to get to us.

“I better let the search and rescue know,” Falcon says, then turns to head over to where a group of people is gathered.

Mason takes hold of my left arm and basically just shrugs me off of his back.

“Oomph!” I hit the snow, and it makes the dull pain in my wrist and ankle roar back to life. “Owwww, Jerk!” I snap at Mason’s back, before mumbling, “Thank you.”

Layla almost falls over me in her hurry to hug me. I let out a burst of laughter when her arms wrap tightly around my neck. “I was so worried. Thank, God, you’re okay.”

Lake crouches down next to me, giving me a grateful smile.

“I’m glad to see you’re all okay,” I say.

Lake pats my shoulder then he gets up and walks over to Mason who seriously looks like a caged animal.

“Are you okay?” I hear Lake ask Mason.

Mason just stares at Lake, and I don’t know what Lake sees, but he turns toward Falcon and yells, “I’m taking Mason down. Let’s meet up at the resort.”

“We’re heading down as well,” Falcon answers while he comes back to Layla and me. “Are you good to walk, Kingsley?”

I shake my head, scrunching my nose as I glare down at my foot. “I sprained my ankle.”

Falcon bends down and gently picks me up, giving me a reassuring look.

Yep, this is the difference between Falcon and Mason. Falcon treats you like a princess where Mason-the-damn-caveman just tosses you around.

Layla fusses over me all the way down the slope and on the ride to the hospital. I’m surprised Mason and Lake ride with us, thinking they would’ve gone to the resort.

When we walk into the emergency center, Lake turns to Falcon, “We’ll be back soon.”

Falcon quickly grabs hold of Mason’s arm and glances at Layla and me. “You’ll manage, right?”

“Oh, yeah. Sure,” Layla answers, her eyes going to Mason, who keeps himself turned away from us.

I tilt my head and frown as the guys walk away. “I’m seriously missing something right now.”

Layla places her arm around me, then explains, “They’re worried over Mason. I think he’s in shock.”

I take hold of her with my left hand and begin to hop toward reception.When I’m all bandaged up, and I have some anti-inflammatory meds, I sit down in the waiting area while Layla goes to look for the guys.

It doesn’t take long before I see them walk toward me. Layla and Falcon hang back, talking about something, while Lake heads toward the pharmacy to get a prescription filled out.

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