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Everything on Ransom’s menu was a favorite of hers. Like the sand dabs he’d prepared for her on Friday. He’d remembered every favorite, from the variety of soups to the salad with candied pecans and blue cheese to the scallops and brussels sprouts, the coq au vin, and the beef béarnaise.

None of which she’d had in ages—at least, not the way Ransom prepared them. And maybe not even since she’d been with him.

Yet he’d remembered every single thing she loved.

She thought about the appetizers too—the blackened fish, the quiche, the shrimp in a tangy cocktail sauce. Everything she loved.

This entire feast was a culinary love letter… to her.

* * *

The meal went off without a hitch. Ransom was pleased. For Clay’s date, who couldn’t seem to eat anything, he’d prepared marinated tofu over a bed of brown rice with peas, carrots, and beans. He’d wondered if she’d turn up her nose at the marinade, but the woman had smiled and said it was delicious.

After making sure Gideon and Rosie were pleased, he’d strolled among the tables to confirm that everyone was satisfied.

Between conversations, he’d watched Ava. She’d loved every bite. She’d even gazed with envious eyes at Cammie’s beef and Dane’s coq au vin. But he’d known the scallops would work best for her, and the brussels sprouts in maple and sriracha would blow her mind.

He’d made sure all the champagne glasses were filled for the speeches and toasts, then the DJ had called out the first dances. Now everyone was rocking on the dance floor, Gideon and Rosie in the center wrapped in each other’s arms.

Ava was still seated, laughing with Troy and Gabby, while Dane had lured Cammie onto the floor. Just before dinner, Ransom had shot Ava that smoldering look, damn near undressing her with his gaze. Then he’d let her stew in that all through his special meal.

But now it was his turn. One dance with Ava, the luscious feel of her in his arms. Oh yeah.

He never made it. Will Franconi slugged him playfully on the arm. “This champagne is delicious.” He held up a bottle he’d snagged. “La Chapelle.” He narrowed his eyes at Ransom. “How did I not know about this? I mean, I’m the importer here. But I missed it. Where’d you find it?”

“On my last scouting trip for wines in the Loire Valley. I couldn’t resist a jaunt to the Champagne region. You like it?” He truly wanted to know. Will’s superpower was finding the next big thing that people would go nuts over.

Will let his mouth drop open. “Are you kidding? My clients will love this. How expensive is it? The higher the price, the better.”

Ransom glanced at Gideon and Rosie on the dance floor. “Let’s discuss the price later.”

Will slapped his shoulder. “Good idea. Let’s get together. You and I can make this champagne bigger than any other. What do you think?”

“I’ll make sure they can keep up with the demand.”

His gaze drifted to Ava, her hair shining in the late afternoon sun, her skin glowing against the burgundy of her sexy dress. His gaze had drifted to her often. She was like a magnet for him.

Will eyed him. “Now you’ve got me wondering exactly who you did all this for. The bride and groom? Or…” His gaze rested on Ava.

Just as Ransom’s had done for the past ten minutes. Honestly, for the entire wedding.

Ransom gave Will a smile. He wasn’t about to reveal anything.

But Will winked. “No need to answer. I already figured it out. All those longing glances.” He waggled his eyebrows and put a hand on Ransom’s shoulder, almost in solidarity. “Good luck. If it helps you to know this at all, it took me a hell of a long time to convince Harper. In fact, all of us guys had a hard time with our special women. But you know, it’s like they say—the harder you have to work for something, the greater it is when you finally get what you’ve been waiting for your whole life.”

Then he sauntered off to find Harper, the woman for whom he’d searched his whole life.

It was as if the man had laid down the gauntlet for Ransom, commiserating and at the same time making him question whether he could actually pull this off.

Or if he’d screw things up again and let Ava get away.

* * *

Ransom had missed his chance to dance with Ava. She was out on the floor dancing with several of the women, her gorgeous hair flying, her smile one of the happiest he’d seen in recent days. She seemed at home with the Mavericks—the whole Harrington family did. And he relished watching her cut loose, enjoying herself.

Will had found Harper, and after making the rounds of the reception, talking with Susan and Bob, the Mavericks, Cammie and Dane, and more, they’d joined in the dancing too. A slow, close dance in each other’s arms even though the music was fast.

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