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But all the Mavericks were career women as well as mothers and lovers, and they still included her. Maybe she was past throwing baby showers and birthday parties for the people at work as her only outlet for friendship.

This was totally different for her. And it actually felt wonderful.

But still, talking about Ransom? She wasn’t ready for that. “You all know my story,” she said with a smile, not wanting to lie to Kelsey or any of the women. “My brothers say I’m all work and no play.” She was sure at least one of them had said that at some point.

She was saved from saying more when Fernsby stepped from the kitchen, clapped his hands, and called out in that delightful drone of his, “Dinner is ready to be served. Please take your seats.” His tone of voice added, immediately.

While the guests mingled on the pool patio and the deck, the head table had been set up in the gazebo where Rosie and Gideon had said their vows. The servers had transformed the grassy area, unfolding round tables and dressing them with damask tablecloths, silverware, and crystal.

Each of the women was whisked away by her amazing man. Kelsey’s older brother Evan insisted she join him at the Collins family table. And Cammie linked arms with Ava, the two of them sitting down with her brothers.

Clay leaned forward past Dane to ask, “Where’s Gabby?”

“She’s inside, putting the finishing touches on the wedding cake,” Ava told him.

Troy snorted a laugh. “She can’t leave that thing alone. Have you seen it?”

Dane answered for all of them, “I’d rather have a surprise when she and Fernsby bring it out.”

Clay’s date pulled out a chair, obviously having spent the last fifteen minutes freshening her makeup—or hiding out.

At each place setting sat a card saying, If you have any allergies or foods you cannot eat, please keep this card in front of you and you will be accommodated.

Of course, Ransom wouldn’t have had time to learn who could eat what. He wouldn’t even have had time to figure out how many to make of each entrée.

Across the table, Clay’s date slapped the little card on the table in front of her after reading it.

But Clay turned his over. Then he laughed. “Do you see what it says on the back?”

They all picked up their cards while Clay read aloud. “If you tear up this card, your meal will be a surprise. And you take what you get.” He tore it up. So did the rest of the family. Everyone except his date.

Laughter rang out around the garden as everyone else obviously read the back. At the head table, Rosie and Gideon leaned close, reading together and wiping away tears of laughter.

That was Ransom. He’d found a way to infuse humor into a difficult situation.

The servers hustled out carrying huge trays, and the soup placed in front of her was lobster bisque. Cammie was served asparagus soup, and Dane received carrot soup, which were both wonderful, especially made by Ransom. But lobster bisque was one of Ava’s favorites, and she was ecstatic at the surprise set in front of her.

As a server bent to say something softly to Clay’s date, she shook her head almost violently and waved away anything he might have given her.

When everyone had gobbled down the delicious soups, the army of servers carried away the dishes, and trays of salad came out next.

Once again, after Clay’s date had turned everything down, her server asked politely, “Is there anything else I can bring instead? Whatever you’d like can be accommodated.”

The young woman looked up at him gratefully. “Just kale, with only oil and vinegar.”

Clay simply smiled at her as the man rushed away.

Ava glanced down at her salad, dressed up with candied pecans and blue cheese. Ransom had always made the best dressing, sweet yet tangy.

She finished faster than anyone, right down to the last bite of greens, every element once again one of her favorites. Was the salad on the menus Ransom prepared? She’d have to ask him. Her residents would love it.

As the salad plates disappeared, the servers returned once again with entrées.

Ava felt herself drooling over the scallops in a white wine sauce. Sitting on a bed of herbed black rice, they were accompanied by crispy brussels sprouts in a spicy-sweet glaze of maple syrup and sriracha.

The two other offerings were chicken tenders prepared coq au vin style, and bacon-wrapped beef tournedos in béarnaise sauce. Dane leaned over Cammie’s beef and whispered loudly, “Wouldn’t you rather have the coq au vin, darling?”

She pushed his hand away. “Don’t you dare touch my beef.” They spent the meal trying to steal bites off each other’s plates.

The reality hit Ava with her first scallop and half a brussels sprout spitted on her fork.

Good God.

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