Page 84 of Finding You

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“Oh, Darcy,” Robyn gushed. “You’re beautiful.”


“Is the handsome man your husband or boyfriend?”


“He looks nice,” Robyn said. “Tell me about your life.”

“Well, I live in Matthews, and I work in Charlotte. How about you?”

“I live in Concord.”

Darcy folded her legs under herself. “You’re that close?”

“I never wanted to leave here in case you looked for me.” She paused. “Darcy, I never forgot you.” Darcy could hear her take a trembling breath. “I’ve always wondered about you. You’ve been on my mind and in my heart since the moment I found out I was going to have you.” She sniffed. “I’ve always hoped you were okay.”

Darcy stared at her front door.

“I worried that you had enough to eat, that you were warm, that you were happy, that you were healthy, and that you were loved—because, honey, I’ve always loved you.”

Darcy bit her lower lip as her tears began to fall again. These words were music to her ears. “Thank you.” She rubbed her fingers over her eyes. “Do you have a family?”

“Yes, I’m married and have two sons.”

“I have brothers?” Darcy whispered.

“Yes, you have two half-brothers,” Robyn said. “Hang on and I’ll send you photos.”

Once again Darcy tried to imagine what the photos would reveal. Would her brothers look like her? Would she feel a connection when she saw their faces? She wiped her eyes and tried to stop her body from trembling.

When the photos came through, Darcy took in the faces of her two half-brothers. Like her, they had blond hair, and she was certain of a resemblance in their smiles.

“I can’t believe it,” she whispered. “I’ve always been an only child. I thought I’d never have siblings.” Darcy started to cry again.

“Did I upset you?” Robyn asked.

“No,” Darcy managed to say. “I’m crying because it’s really you.”

Robyn chuckled. “Yes, and it’s really you.” She paused for a beat. “Now what else can I tell you?”

Darcy snuggled under a blanket and listened as her biological mother began to answer questions she’d carried around in her heart for as long as she could remember.


Darcy ended the call and wiped her eyes. She felt as if she were spinning. For the first time in her life, she had just spoken to her biological mother—her biological mother—for almost four hours. After all of these years she’d finally found Robyn, and Robyn wanted to know Darcy in return.

She hugged her arms to her middle as another wave of happiness swept over her. She glanced at the time on her phone and found it was midnight, but she was wide awake. She felt like she might burst with excitement. She wanted to tell Carter everything, but most likely he was asleep. She recalled when he’d once told her she could text or call him anytime.

Taking a chance, she shot off a text to him: Are you awake?

Her phone began to ring with a call from him right away.

“I’ve been waiting for you to call or text. How’d it go?” he asked.

“I found my birth mother, Carter. I really found her.” Her emotion bubbled up, and she started crying again. Would she ever run out of tears?

“Do you want me to come over?”

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