Page 83 of Finding You

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She took a deep breath, picked up her phone, and slipped her earbuds in her ears before dialing the number. Her heart pounded against her ribcage as the phone rang.

“Hello?” a woman’s voice asked.

“Um, hi. My name is Darcy Larsen, and I’m looking for Robyn.” She hoped she sounded more confident than she felt.

“Hi, Darcy.” The woman paused. “I know who you are.” Her voice was warm and thick. “I’m Robyn.”

“Oh.” Darcy hesitated, and suddenly all of the emotion—longing, hope, worry, loneliness—she’d carried for so long welled up and poured out of her, stealing her words for a moment. “I’ve... I’ve... Well, um...”

An awkward pause stretched between them as Darcy wondered what to say. She’d always imagined this moment, but now she was tongue-tied. What if this woman wasn’t really her birth mother? What if the folks at the website sent her the wrong information?

“So?” Robyn said. “How... uh, how was your day?”

Darcy nodded as if Robyn could see her face through the phone. “It was good.” She bit her lower lip. “Yours?”


They were silent again, and then they both laughed.

“I’ve dreamed of this for so long, and now I don’t know what to say,” Darcy said.

Robyn sniffed. “I know what you mean.” She cleared her throat. “I dreamed of hearing your voice.” She paused. “And now, well, now it doesn’t seem real.”

“Exactly.” Darcy pulled on the hem of her shirt.

“But here we are.”


More silence hovered between them, and Darcy kneaded her temples. She was going to take the plunge and tell Robyn how she felt. She just hoped Robyn was truly her birth mother and wanted to know her too.

“I’ve always wondered what you sounded like. What you looked like.” Her eyes filled, and she wiped them. Keep it together, Darce!

“I have some photos I was going to send to you. When Lost and Found told me you were looking for me, I started getting some things together. Can I text them to you?”

“Yes, please.”

“Okay. Coming now. Here are a few photos of me in my twenties and then a couple more recent ones.”

Darcy chewed her nails, trying to imagine what the woman looked like. Did Darcy have her eyes? Her nose? Her facial structure? She closed her eyes and tried to settle her frayed nerves.

After a few moments, Darcy’s phone chimed with a text. She opened the message and scrolled through the photos. She gasped as she opened photos of a woman who looked just like Darcy—blonde hair, bright-green eyes, petite stature.

Darcy started to cry. An overwhelming feeling doused her when she realized she had, for the first time, found someone who looked like her, someone who was a part of her, someone who knew where Darcy came from.

Her biological mother.


“Darcy?” Robyn asked. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I am. I’m better than okay.” She swallowed as more tears streamed down her warm cheeks. “I finally found you.”

Robyn sniffed.

“I’ll send you some of me.” She chose a few photos of her and Carter and then one of her alone standing on the deck at her parents’ beach house.

Silence filled the space between them for a few moments, and she imagined the photos appearing on Robyn’s screen.

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