Page 77 of Finding You

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“Yes and no. I had a feeling it was coming, but I didn’t know how soon.”

“If I admit something to you, will you promise not to be angry?”

She sat up as curiosity gripped her. “What do you mean?”

Carter looked ashamed. “When we were at your parents’ beach house, Derek told me he had bought a ring. He just wasn’t sure when he was going to propose.”

Darcy opened and closed her mouth while trying to gather a response. “Carter,” she began, her words measured, “why didn’t you tell me?”

“I’m sorry.” He held his hands up in surrender. “I got the impression it was top-secret information.”

She studied him, then cradled her arms to her middle. “Do you not trust me?” Her voice sounded thready.

He shook his head. “It’s not that at all. I just thought he might want to keep the element of surprise. I never meant to hurt you, Darcy. I would never deliberately hurt you.”

As Darcy took in the earnest expression on his face, she realized her feelings were displaced. Carter had given her no reason to be on edge. She’d just been daydreaming about having a future with him when she didn’t know what he wanted for his future. Did he even want to get married and have a family one day?

Carter’s thumb swept across her cheek, leaving a trail of heat. “I can tell you’re thinking about something serious. You can be honest with me, Darcy.”

“You can tell when I’m concentrating?”

He nodded. “I’m learning how to read you. What’s on your mind?”

“What do you want?”

He arched a brow. “Can you be more specific?”

“For your future, Carter. What are your goals for your life?”

He trailed his fingers over the stubble on his neck. “Well, I eventually would like a home and a family, but it will be a while before I can have those things.” He rested his hand on her shoulder. “How about you?”

“Well, for one, you already know I want to find my biological mother. But I haven’t heard anything from the Lost and Found people yet.”

He looked out toward the street as if avoiding her gaze. A dog barked somewhere in the distance, and an SUV drove by with the radio so loud that the bass reverberated in Darcy’s chest.

She took in the frown darkening Carter’s handsome face, and she touched his cheek. “Did I say something to upset you?”

“No, it’s not you.” His expression softened. “Shauna thinks she found our father.”

“And you’re not happy about it.”

He snorted. “No, not at all. I told her to keep me out of it.”

“But what if he wants to apologize and actually be a father figure to you and Shauna?”

“His words wouldn’t mean anything to me. He wasn’t there when we needed him, so why would we want him in our lives now?”

“I’m sorry.” She leaned against him, and he pulled her close. She breathed in his familiar smell of soap and sandalwood and felt safe and protected in his strong arms. “You can vent to me anytime, Carter.”

“Thanks. I didn’t mean to dampen the mood.”

“I can think of ways to lighten the mood.”

He looked down at her, and his smile was wicked. “Is that right?” When he kissed her, her stomach swirled wildly.

My thoughts exactly.

Darcy sat up and wrapped her arms around his neck. Happiness blossomed in the pit of her belly, and as she melted against him, she lost herself in his kiss.

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