Page 68 of Finding You

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Haven sidled up to Darcy and snatched a piece of bacon from the platter. “How can I help?”

“Pour the coffee?” Darcy asked.

Derek moved to the cabinet. “I’ll get mugs.”

Darcy carried the platter of bacon to the table and kept checking the doorway for Carter.

“He was in the shower when I came down,” Derek said, answering her unspoken question.

Darcy nodded, then brought the butter and syrup to the table.

Mom plunked two large platters of pancakes in the center of the table. “I think we’re ready.”

“Let’s eat,” Dad announced before they sat down.

With her parents on either end of the long table, Darcy sat down across from Haven and Derek. Footfalls sounded in the family room. Then Carter appeared in the doorway, looking handsome with his light-brown hair wet and his face clean-shaven.

His expression was full of chagrin as he sat down beside Darcy. “I overslept. I’m sorry.”

“Not at all.” Darcy gave his hand a squeeze. “Good morning.”

“Hi.” His warm smile sent a shiver of delight dancing down her back.

Dad picked up the pancakes and piled a few on his plate before passing the platter to Carter. “Here you go, son.”

“Thank you.” Carter added a few onto his plate. “What’s on our agenda today?” he asked as he slid a couple of pancakes onto Darcy’s plate.

“I thought we could enjoy the boardwalk,” Darcy said.

Haven’s face lit up. “I love those little stores.”

“Does that sound okay?” Darcy asked Carter.

He smothered his pancakes in butter and syrup. “Of course it does.”

Derek swiped a piece of bacon from the platter. “We should have lunch at the delicious pizza place. What’s it called?”

“Yes!” Haven snapped her fingers. “A Slice of Heaven.”

Carter swallowed a piece of pancake and wiped his mouth with a napkin. “I might not be hungry again until tomorrow after these delicious pancakes.”

Everyone chuckled in agreement, and Darcy shared a smile with her mother. She was so grateful that Carter was officially her boyfriend and that he seemed to be enjoying his time at her beloved Coral Cove.


Later that afternoon Carter carried Darcy’s shopping bags into the house. They had spent the morning at the boardwalk, wandering through the beachfront stores that sold everything from t-shirts to beach towels to toys to funny little gifts. After a pizza lunch, they ventured into more stores, including CeCe’s Toy Chest, Beach Reads, and the supermarket. For dinner they had purchased hamburger patties, buns, chips, and baked beans, along with cupcakes for dessert.

“How was the boardwalk?” Josie asked from the doorway leading to the family room.

Darcy slipped the burger patties into the refrigerator. “Fun. We picked up supper.”

“You didn’t need to do that.” Josie clucked her tongue.

Haven set her bags on the counter. “We wanted to do something for you and Ross since you’ve been so generous to us.”

“That’s thoughtful of you.” Josie rubbed Haven’s shoulder. “What are your plans for the rest of the afternoon?”

Darcy picked up her bag from the bookstore. “The beach, of course.” She rested her hand on Carter’s strong bicep. “Should we go get changed?”

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