Page 67 of Finding You

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“You’re the first guy who has gotten her attention since Jace passed away.”

Carter looked up at him. “I am?”

“Yes, Carter, you are.” Derek’s words were measured. “You shouldn’t sell yourself short. Darcy sees something special in you.”

Carter was grateful for Derek’s words, but Darcy didn’t know the full story. When she found out, she’d see he wasn’t special at all.


Darcy yawned the following morning, then turned to face the clock. It was only seven thirty, but she felt refreshed and happy—so very happy—as the memories of last night filled her mind. Holding hands and walking on the beach with Carter, and then those kisses... Oh, those kisses! The memory sent a flush of bashful pleasure through her cheeks and made her lightheaded.

She stretched and rolled over, assuming her boyfriend and friends were still asleep, but she was wide awake and ready to take on the day. When a delicious whiff of coffee drifted into her room, she rose and dressed.

“Good morning,” Mom sang from the counter as Darcy padded into the kitchen. “Would you like a cup of coffee?”

“Yes, please. Are you the only one up?”

“Your dad is in the shower.” Mom retrieved a shell-patterned mug from the nearby cabinet and filled it with coffee, cream, and sweetener.

Darcy joined her at the table and took a long sip. “This is delicious.”

“I remember how you like it.” Mom smiled across the table at her. “Carter is a very nice young man. I see why you like him.”

Darcy tried to hide her smile by taking another sip of coffee.

“He’s so handsome and friendly.” Mom leaned forward. “It seemed like you were having fun at the beach while we visited on the deck last night. How are things going?”

Darcy nodded. “He asked if he could be my boyfriend last night.”

“I’m so happy for you, Darcy. And I’m proud of you for taking a chance and moving forward after all you’ve been through.”

Darcy felt her lips flatten. She couldn’t allow herself to think too long about Jace. It was just too painful to let the memories back into her mind. She pushed herself up from the table. “I need a bite to eat so I can take my medication.” She dropped a slice of bread into the toaster.

“What are your plans for today?” Mom asked.

Darcy leaned back against the counter. “I thought maybe we’d visit the boardwalk. Haven loves going into the different stores there.”

“Oh, how fun. Has Carter been to Coral Cove before?”

“Once when he was a kid.”

Mom smiled. “I’m sure this is special for him.”

The toast popped, and Darcy buttered it before sitting at the table once again. She took a bite and drank more coffee. “Do you think we could make pancakes and bacon for everyone?”

“What a great idea.” Mom stood. “I have pancake mix, and your dad picked up bacon yesterday.”

Darcy took the last bite of toast. “I’ll go take my meds and be right back.” She carried her cup of coffee to her room and found her pill organizer. She took her pills and returned to the kitchen, where her mother had two large frying pans warming while she mixed up the batter.

Mom prepared the pancakes, and Darcy began cooking bacon in the microwave. Soon the kitchen was filled with delectable aromas.

“Pancakes and bacon?” Dad rubbed his hands together and kissed Mom on the cheek. “What a wonderful smell. Want me to set the table?”

Darcy loaded the bacon onto a platter. “Yes, please.”

Dad opened the utensil drawer and counted out forks. The table was set and more coffee was brewing by the time Haven and Derek wandered in.

“I can’t think of a better way to wake up than to the smell of bacon and coffee,” Derek said, and everyone agreed.

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