Page 65 of Finding You

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When they drew closer to the top step, Carter realized the light came from Derek’s cell phone, which he held to his ear while leaning on the railing. Derek gave them a wave and then moved to the far end of the deck, where he continued to talk softly to someone on the other end of the line.

Darcy held Carter’s hand and led him to the back door. “Thank you for the most amazing evening ever.” She touched his cheek.

“I enjoyed it too.”

She traced a finger along his jaw before balancing up on her tiptoes, wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, and kissing him. As she deepened the kiss, every nerve ending inside of him caught fire, and he knew to the depth of his bones that he was crazy about this amazing woman. He breathed her in and relished the taste of her.

When she pulled away, he came down to earth. She held on to his shoulders as if for balance. “Good night, Carter,” she whispered. “I hope you sleep well.”

“You too.” He took her hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze.

She stepped through the doorway, then faced him again. “Are you going up to bed?”

He shook his head and pointed toward the far end of the deck. “Not yet. I think I’ll sit out here and talk to Derek for a while.”

“Okay. See you in the morning.” She gave him a little wave before closing the door and disappearing into the dark house.

Carter leaned over the deck railing, his mind racing. He knew he was falling for Darcy, and he was thrilled she returned the feelings. But it was easy to ignore reality in an idyllic place like this. How could he even imagine a future with her when they were so different? They had been raised in different worlds, and he would never be able to give her a beach house. A house was even questionable at this point. She might like him now, but what about in the future? How long would she be content with diner burger dates and movies before she realized her career would be their primary income if they got more serious?

“Sorry about that.” Carter turned and saw Derek sauntering toward him.

“No problem.”

Derek slipped his phone into his pocket. “My brother called, and we don’t get to talk that often. He’s always traveling to some exotic place for his job.” Derek came to a stop beside Carter and leaned on the railing. He peeked over his shoulder and then looked out toward the ocean again. “I have some news,” he said softly.

Carter rested his elbows on the railing and lifted his eyebrows. “Yeah?”

Derek looked back toward the door once more and then lowered his voice. “I bought a ring.”

Darcy’s words about Derek from the night of the car show in Mint Hill suddenly echoed in Carter’s mind:

I’ve always thought they’d wind up together, but Derek was one of those guys who has a plan, you know?

Carter wondered if he would ever get the chance to plan a future with Darcy. When would he ever have a chance to offer her a future, buy her a ring, support her?

When he realized Derek was watching him, he yanked himself from his thoughts and grinned. “That’s... that’s great, Derek,” Carter said, careful to keep his voice low. “Congratulations.” He shook his friend’s hand. “When are you going to ask her?”

Derek huffed. “I’m not sure.” He folded his arms on the railing. “I need to figure out the best time.”

“You look nervous.”

Derek laughed. “Of course I am.”

Carter scoffed. “Please. I don’t think you have anything to worry about.”

Derek shook his head. “I hope not. I fell head over heels for her when we met in college.” He grinned. “She wasn’t that interested in me at first. I had to convince her to go out with me, but once she did, we fell in love.”

Carter swallowed against his dry throat and considered his blossoming feelings for Darcy.

Derek patted Carter’s shoulder. “Did I see you kiss Darce good night?”

“Yeah, you did.” Carter turned his attention out toward the waves.

“I suppose that means you two are official. We all knew it was only a matter of time.”

Carter nodded. “We are.” He pressed his lips together.

Derek cocked his head to the side. “Why don’t you look happier about it?”

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