Page 56 of Finding You

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“Whoa,” he said. “I can get our snacks.”

“Nope, I’m getting the popcorn.”

“Fine. But I’ll get the drinks.”

“Deal,” she agreed.

After purchasing a tub of popcorn and two sodas, they strode into the theater and found seats in the center.

“I’m so excited to see this movie on a big screen,” she told him. “My mom always loved ’80s movies, and we used to watch them when I was in high school. I haven’t seen it in at least five years.”

“When I saw it on the marquee yesterday, I thought of you.”

A few more people joined them in the theater, and soon the lights dimmed. When the trailers for upcoming movies began rolling on the screen, Carter settled in the seat and stretched his arm across the back of Darcy’s chair.

She smiled up at him and held up the bucket of popcorn. He slipped his hand into the bucket at the same time as she did, and their fingers touched. He waited for her to pull her hand away, but she didn’t. Instead, he placed the bucket on the seat next to him, and they held hands for the rest of the movie.

Carter tried to concentrate on the story, but he was too aware of how well Darcy’s hand fit in his. He adored the sound of her laughter as she enjoyed the comedy in the movie, and he noticed her wipe her eyes during a few scenes.

When closing credits filled the screen, she released his hand and turned toward him. “That was so much fun. Thank you, Carter.”

“You’re welcome.”

They exited the theater, depositing their bucket and cups in the trash on their way out the door. The street vendors had closed for the night, and the stars above them were bright in the sky. Only a few couples milled about on Main Street. He threaded his fingers with hers.

“When exactly is your birthday?” she asked as they walked toward the parking lot.

“Next Saturday.”

“Am I officially invited to your birthday barbecue?”

Teasing her, he lifted his eyebrows. “Well...” A smile played on his lips. “Yes, of course you’ll be invited, Darcy. I’ll find out what Shauna has in mind and text you details.”

“Good. And let me know what I can bring.”

“Just yourself,” he told her as they approached his truck. He hit the button on the key fob and opened the passenger door for her. Then he helped her climb inside.

As he jogged around to the driver’s side, he wished the evening could last forever.


Darcy and Carter stood by her front door, and she looked up at him with a smile. “I had a really great time tonight. Thank you for planning a night you knew I would enjoy.”

“You’re welcome.” He trailed a finger down her cheek with a featherlight touch, making her blood sizzle in her veins. His dark-brown eyes became intense, and she shivered as they focused on her lips.

This is it! He’s finally going to kiss me!

The air froze in her lungs as he leaned down, and she closed her eyes, awaiting the feel of his mouth against hers.

Instead, his lips grazed her cheek before he pulled her into his arms. Her eyes fluttered open, and she swallowed back her disappointment.

“I’ll text you,” he promised as he released her and took a step back. “Sleep well tonight.”

“You too,” she managed to say. Then she unlocked the door and stood in the doorway while he backed out of the driveway.

After setting her purse and keys on the bench, she jogged up the stairs to her bedroom and pulled out a framed photo of Jace and her. Nearly two years ago, her father had taken the photo on the beach. She took in his handsome face and their bright smiles. She closed her eyes and tried to recall the sound of his voice when he said her name, the taste of his lips, the feel of his warm embrace.

Her eyes moved to her left hand in the photograph, and the large diamond she had worn until six months after Jace passed away. Opening her jewelry box, she pulled out the ring and stared at it. After he died, she had offered the ring to his parents, but they insisted that she keep it. Her eyes filled with tears as she recalled their plans for a life together—living in the townhouse, starting a family, growing old...

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