Page 125 of Finding You

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Balancing a colorful spring bouquet in her arms, she looked over at Carter. Her spine tingled as she admired his chiseled profile and his relaxed posture. He had told her he was taking her somewhere special this afternoon, but they needed to make an important stop on the way. At his request, they had dressed up. She wore a little black dress and heels, and he looked stunningly handsome in a pair of khakis and a gray button-down.

She took a deep breath and considered the whirlwind she’d experienced since Haven and Derek’s wedding. After reconciling with Carter, she had fully discovered how tightly she’d been holding on to Jace’s memory. She donated her wedding gown to a charity, and she finally convinced Jace’s mother to accept her engagement and wedding rings.

Ernie and Glenda Barton had decided to officially retire from their business. Gage took over as owner and asked Carter to be his partner, giving Carter a nice increase in salary. They hired two employees to help run the office while they continued to work as mechanics.

Shauna and Carter’s father, Myles, moved back to Flowering Grove, and he was cultivating his relationship with them. While Carter was still dealing with some conflicting feelings about his father, Darcy was happy to see both him and Shauna sorting through their resentment in order to forge new relationships.

Myles was also learning how to be a supportive father, and although it took some coaxing, he convinced both Shauna and Carter to accept money from him. Carter was able to pay off his consolidation loan, and he found a two-bedroom house with a nice detached garage to rent in Flowering Grove. He had a fun housewarming party and invited his old friends from school, and Darcy was happy to see him finally reconnecting with them. Carter also had enough money to rebuild the engine in his grandfather’s car, and he had been delighted to get it back on the road.

The family was overjoyed when Shauna and Gage’s twins arrived a month ago. After a few weeks in the NICU, their beautiful babies—a boy and a girl—finally came home. Everyone was over the moon to finally hold them, and Shauna and Gage had named them Ian and Isabella. The entire family was overwhelmed with love, and Darcy couldn’t wait to watch the little ones grow up.

Darcy continued to enjoy bonding with Robyn and her family. And Carter had also become a surrogate big brother to Keaton and Brayden, who frequently hung out with him in his garage. Together they lifted Brayden’s 1986 Jeep Cherokee, and Carter was helping Robyn and Graham find a decent car for Keaton, who had recently obtained his driver’s license.

Darcy had also started communicating with her biological grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. She and Carter planned to go to Florida to visit her grandparents that summer, and she hoped to meet her other relatives too.

Most importantly, Darcy and Carter had become closer as they both learned to open up to each other. They held to their honesty pact, promising not to hold back any secrets. Darcy had finally given Carter her whole heart, and she fell more in love with him each day. She couldn’t remember when she’d been so happy.

When they came to the end of the row near Jace’s grave, Darcy rubbed Carter’s bicep. “Are you sure you’re ready?” she asked.

“Yes.” Carter touched her chin. “Positive.”

They approached the plaque in the ground that marked Jace Christopher Allen’s resting place. Darcy placed the flowers in the grave’s vase, then returned to Carter’s side. She entwined her fingers with his.

“Jace, this is Carter,” she said.

Carter rubbed his chin and glanced at Darcy. Then his focus returned to the plaque. “Jace, I wanted to thank you for saving my life.” He paused and smiled at her. “I promise you I’ll not only take good care of your kidney, but I’ll also cherish Darcy every day I have left on earth.” He lifted Darcy’s hand to his mouth and kissed it.

Darcy’s heart swelled with love for him. “Are you okay?”

“Yes. Thank you for bringing me to see him.”

She gazed down at the plaque. “We’ll be back soon to see you, Jace.” When a colorful butterfly fluttered over and landed on the plaque, Darcy gasped. “Did you know butterflies are the symbol for organ transplants?”

Carter rubbed her shoulder. “No, I didn’t. That’s beautiful, Darce.”

“It is.” She smiled up at Carter. “I’m so glad I found you.”

“I am too.” Pulling her close, he kissed her. “Now for the surprise.”

Together they started across the grass toward Carter’s beloved Road Runner. “Where are we going now?”

“It’s a secret.”

They climbed into the car, and the engine roared to life. After a short ride, they were driving through Charlotte.

“Please tell me where we’re going,” she said, raising her voice so he could hear her over the thundering motor.

Carter gave her a sideways glance. “If I tell you, then it won’t be a surprise.”

She stuck her bottom lip out and folded her arms over her middle.

He chuckled. “You’re adorable, but I’m still not going to tell you where we’re going.”

Soon he steered into the parking lot of the medical complex where their nephrologists’ offices were located.

Darcy’s brow creased. “Why are we here?”

Carter drove through the empty lot before parking in a space. “Isn’t this where your car was when it wouldn’t start?”

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