Page 117 of Finding You

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Dad stood. “Thank you for letting me talk to you. I love you, son. I know it’s hard to believe, but I do. You have no good reason to believe me, but I plan to work hard to earn your trust. I also hope someday you can find it in your heart to forgive me.” He paused. “And I hope you’ll let me help you rebuild your life. That money is yours, and I hope you’ll consider taking it.” He walked out of the garage, and his footfalls crunched on the rocks as he plodded toward the house.

Carter stared after him as confusion and heartache continued to take their toll.


Later that evening Darcy and the rest of the wedding guests waved crackling sparklers in the air. Haven and Derek had already changed into more casual clothes, and they exited the country club and climbed into a sleek black limousine that would take them to the airport. Darcy sniffed while watching her best friend and her new husband drive away, bound for a luxurious getaway in Cancún.

Darcy had no idea how she’d managed to get through the remainder of the reception after she and Carter had ended their relationship. She had rushed into the bathroom, broken down into tears, and sobbed in the far stall until she was able to get her emotions under control. She had considered calling her mother, but she didn’t want to ruin their vacation. She also knew that if she heard her mother’s voice, she would cry again and not recover. After fixing her makeup, she picked at her dinner until Liam made the toast.

When Haven and Derek had their first dance, Darcy had kept her emotions at bay. She’d danced half-heartedly with Liam, and Kaylen and Vince joined them on the dance floor. After that, she had done her best to keep a smile on her face and mingle with the other guests. After all, she was an expert at hiding her broken heart. She’d done it with Jace, and she’d do it with Carter too.

But when the DJ played “The Keeper of the Stars” by Tracy Byrd, Darcy had nearly fallen apart all over again. She had retreated to a bathroom stall once more and wept, remembering how Carter had held her close and danced with her at the concert. She covered her face with her hands and prayed no one would come in and find her.

When the song ended, she mopped up her face with tissues, fixed her makeup as best she could, and stayed as far away from Haven as possible. If Haven took one look at her, she’d know something was wrong—and Darcy was determined not to ruin her best friend’s special day.

Darcy wanted to retreat to her house and curl up in the fetal position on her bed, but she had to make it through the night. She was grateful Haven was having the time of her life, too wrapped up in her happiness to notice Darcy dying on the inside.

Later in the evening, Haven threw the bouquet, and thankfully Kaylen caught it. Darcy had managed to dodge questions from friends who asked where Carter had gone, and when it was time for the cake cutting, she had remained at the back of the large room. She refused a piece of cake since her appetite had dissolved.

After helping dispose of the used sparklers, Darcy hurried back into the large hall and found her purse and phone. She couldn’t help but glance at the screen, wishing for a text from Carter telling her he’d been wrong about what they both knew was true. She knew it was useless hope, but she couldn’t help it.

The screen was blank.

She slipped her phone into her purse and scanned the room. She and Kaylen had ridden to the reception with Liam. Now she would have to ask someone to take her to her car, which was parked at the church. She had planned to ride back with Carter, but now...

“Darcy!” Kaylen hurried over to her. “Are you okay?”

She swallowed back her threatening tears. “Yeah.” She conjured up a pleasant expression. “Do you think Liam would give us a lift?”

“Yes, of course.” Kaylen took off after her brother. “Liam! Can you take Darcy and me to our cars?”

Liam nodded. “Just give me a minute.”

Thirty minutes later, Darcy thanked Liam for the ride and hugged Kaylen before climbing into her Lexus. Finally alone, she allowed her heartbreak to hit her fully. The sounds of her sobs filled the car as agony and loneliness engulfed her.

She needed someone to listen, someone who would console her and tell her everything would be okay somehow—even though she was certain nothing would ever be okay again.

But her parents were on their way to Charleston, and she didn’t want to interrupt their vacation. Haven was heading out to her honeymoon, and Darcy wouldn’t dream of ruining the best day of her life.

Who else could Darcy call?

Pulling a tissue from her purse, Darcy mopped up her tears. Suddenly, Robyn’s words from the night she’d visited with Darcy’s parents filled her mind:

If you ever need me, text me. If it’s four a.m. and you want to talk, I’m here for you.

She could call Robyn. After all, she and Robyn had gotten close over the past two months.

Even so, Darcy couldn’t reconcile Robyn wanting to be close to her without trusting her enough to facilitate a relationship with her half-brothers. It just didn’t make sense. And it hurt her—deeply.

Still, she needed someone to talk to, and despite how much that hurt, she trusted Robyn. Even with something this devastating.

She fished her phone from her purse and shot off a text to her biological mother.

Darcy: Can you talk?

A suffocating silence overtook the car as the seconds ticked by. Darcy felt her devastation creep in. She was alone and had no one to talk to. No one to hug her. No one who cared nearby.

Suddenly conversation bubbles danced across the screen, and she felt her heart lift a little.

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