Page 111 of Finding You

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“You’re perfect,” Kaylen gushed. “My brother is going to flip.”

Haven lifted her bouquet of white roses and baby’s breath. “I hope so.”

Lola clasped her hands together as her eyes also filled. “Oh, Haven. You’re as pretty as a picture, and Kaylen is right. Derek is going to be stunned when he sees you.” She took her daughter’s hand in hers. “I’m so happy for you, honey.”

“Thank you for all you’ve done to make this wedding a reality, Mom.”

Allyson, Haven’s cousin and the wedding coordinator, stuck her head into the room. “It’s time, ladies. Let’s roll.”

Darcy and Kaylen picked up their bouquets and moved down the hallway to the sanctuary, which was packed with friends and family members of the bride and groom. Peeking into the sanctuary, Darcy scanned the pews in search of Carter. When she didn’t find him, her heart felt heavy. Her shoulders slumped with the weight of her fear, irritation, and anguish.

Her gaze moved toward the altar, where Derek stood with his brother, Liam, and Haven’s brother, Vince.

“All right,” Allyson said, speaking barely above a whisper. “We all remember how we practiced, right? Take your time going down the aisle and don’t forget to smile.” Her face displayed an exaggerated smile.

Darcy took her spot behind Kaylen and waited while two of Derek’s cousins serving as ushers seated Lola and Marcia. Haven’s father, Bob, came to stand beside Haven, and the warm smile on his face sent happiness through Darcy. She could see the pride in his eyes for his beautiful daughter.

When the organ music began to play, Darcy’s hands began to tremble. She turned to face Haven and smiled before mouthing, “I love you,” to her best friend.

Haven pretended to kiss her fingers and held them out to Darcy before mouthing, “I love you too.”

“Darcy,” Allyson hissed. “You’re next.”

Turning toward the sanctuary, she spotted Kaylen moving down the aisle.

“Now, Darcy. Go,” Allyson ordered.

Darcy began to walk down the aisle, forcing her lips into a smile. She felt her shoulders loosen slightly when her eyes found her parents sitting on the bride’s side. Her mother waved while Dad held up his phone and snapped several photos. She hoped to see Carter sitting beside them, but he was nowhere in sight. She fought the urge to panic and kept moving. She finally reached the altar, where she took her spot across from the groom and his attendants.

Derek looked handsome in his traditional black-and-white tuxedo, and his younger brother resembled him with the same dark hair and honey-brown eyes. Vince stood beside Liam, and although he and Haven had similar baby-blue eyes, his hair was sandy-brown.

When the wedding march began, the wedding guests stood and turned toward the back of the sanctuary. Then Haven’s father began escorting her down the aisle.

Once again Darcy scanned the crowd for Carter, and when she found him standing in the back, she almost fainted with relief. He was handsome in a black suit with a gray shirt and a darker gray tie.

When Carter’s gaze finally tangled with hers, her heart stuttered. He nodded, and she returned the gesture, but worry and exasperation still lingered in the back of her mind.

Darcy turned her focus to her beautiful best friend. Haven seemed to float down the aisle toward her sweetheart. Love radiated in Derek’s eyes, which were focused on his bride coming toward him.

As Darcy witnessed the affection beaming between the bride and groom, she couldn’t help but wonder if Kaylen was right and she and Carter might be the next couple to stand in church. Would they have a chance to promise their futures to one another?

Haven and her father came to a stop at the end of the aisle, and Darcy whisked her thoughts of Carter out of her mind. Her beautiful best friend deserved every ounce of her attention today.


Darcy held Liam’s arm as they proceeded down the aisle nearly forty-five minutes later. As they moved toward the back of the church, Darcy smiled over at Carter, and his lips formed a half-smile in return.

Liam led Darcy out to the vestibule, and Darcy hugged Haven. “Congratulations, Mrs.McGowan.”

“Thank you, Darcy.” Haven squeezed her. “I did it! I’m married.”

Allyson clapped her hands, then took the bouquets from Haven, Darcy, and Kaylen. “Okay, people. Let’s all take our places for the receiving line.”

Darcy stood between Liam and Vince while the family members and friends of the wedding party began moving down the line, shaking hands and hugging each of them.

When Carter approached, Darcy felt a heady rush of emotions. He worked his way down to Darcy, and she swallowed a gasp as she took in the dark circles under his eyes. He looked as if he hadn’t slept at all last night.

“Carter,” she whispered. “Did you get my messages this morning?”

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