Page 110 of Finding You

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When she’d heard his apology and the pain in his voice, her heart had come back to life. She’d been so overcome with emotion that she’d struggled to form words in response. She was so thankful he hadn’t given up on her. If they both were completely honest with each other, she believed their relationship would have a chance.

More than anything, Darcy wanted to make it work. She loved him and couldn’t imagine losing him now—especially after losing Jace.

She shot off a quick text to him:

Hi. Thanks for calling me last night. I’m ready to try again, and I promise no secrets. Can’t wait to see you today and talk things through. Text me when you’re on your way to the church. I love you, Carter.

Kaylen came to stand beside her. “Darcy?” she whispered. “Are you okay?”

Slipping her phone into her purse, Darcy smiled. “Yeah. I’m fine.”

And she was. Carter still loved her, and they were going to work things out.

She snuck a peek at Haven, who was discussing her makeup with her mother. Then she turned back to Kaylen. “She’s gorgeous.”

“She sure is.” Kaylen gave her a knowing smile. “From what I’ve witnessed between you and Carter, I have a feeling you’ll be the next couple planning a wedding.”

Darcy sighed. “I hope you’re right,” she said.


Carter dragged himself out of bed later that morning. His entire body ached as if he had been hit by his truck. He rubbed his eyes and wondered if he’d gotten even two hours of sleep. He was certain he had stared at the ceiling and the wall for most of the night.

He stood under the hot water in the shower for longer than usual, trying to wake up and figure out how to have another difficult conversation with Darcy. It seemed there wasn’t a gentle way to tell her about Jace. No matter how he imagined explaining it, he expected the news would rip her heart to shreds—and he could never forgive himself for hurting her again.

After his shower, Carter shaved and put on his only suit. He was just grateful it still fit. When he came downstairs to the kitchen, he ground his teeth together at the sight of Shauna and Gage sitting at the table.

“You look exhausted, man,” Gage said. “You okay?”

Ignoring them, he slipped over to the pantry and grabbed a box of cereal. Then he silently pulled out a bowl, a spoon, and the half-gallon of milk.

Silence hung over the kitchen while he ate. Carter bet he could cut the tension with a knife.

After only a few bites, he carried his bowl to the sink, washed down the cereal, and slipped his bowl and spoon into the dishwasher.

Without saying goodbye, Carter loped out to his truck and climbed in. He pulled his phone from his pocket and frowned when he found the battery was dead. He’d forgotten to charge it last night after he called Darcy. He plugged it into the cable connected to his dashboard and heaved a deep breath. He was emotionally and physically overwrought.

Today just might be the toughest day of his life—and he didn’t know how he’d get through it.


Darcy checked her phone once again. Not finding any text messages from Carter, she looked out the church parlor window toward the parking lot in search of his truck. He’d always responded to her texts. Why hadn’t he answered her?

Worry clawed at her as she tried not to imagine what could have happened to him. Memories of Jace’s accident overtook her mind, and she sucked in air. She then bit back annoyance and considered why he hadn’t texted her. Maybe he was just running late? She hoped that was the case.

When she felt a hand on her shoulder, she turned toward Kaylen’s encouraging expression. “I’m sure he’ll be here. Maybe he overslept?”

“But why hasn’t he bothered to text me?”

“Some guys just get so focused on one thing that they forget everything else.”

Darcy nodded, hoping Kaylen was right.

The door to the parlor opened, and Lola stepped in. “Is Haven ready?”

The bride appeared from the restroom at the back of the parlor. “What do you think?” she asked. She resembled a princess in the gorgeous gown that looked as if it had been created just for her. Her beautiful strawberry-blonde hair was pulled back from her face beneath her tiara and veil, falling in waves past her shoulders. Her makeup was subtle but managed to accentuate her baby-blue eyes.

Darcy’s eyes filled, and she rushed over to her friend. “You’re positively glowing.”

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