Page 40 of Viktor

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“Fancy,” laughed Kendra.

Emerson said nothing but did appreciate how easy Viktor made things for her. Once at the tavern they ordered drinks and lunch. The filtered sunlight that came through the expansive windows along the front cast a pleasant glow in the room. The appetizer they ordered lay untouched, an afterthought to the unspoken tension that hung heavy in the air.

Emerson pulled the document from her purse and scanned it again, this time paying more attention to not only the language but the authenticity. Toney had to know it would need to pass inspection. After all, antiquities and artifacts—including ancient scrolls, letters, and documents—were her area of expertise.

"Do you think it’s real?” asked Tegan. Emerson nodded. “How could Mom and Dad have gotten us into this mess?"

Kendra ran a hand through her blonde hair, frustration evident in the gesture. “I don’t know, but if Em says it’s real, then it must be.”

“Before we accept this as legit, we need to have it looked at by someone who specializes in legal documents. After all, I can only say it looks like Dad’s signature and appears to be valid on its face, but Toney is a piece of shit, and I wouldn’t trust him if he said the sun rises in the east. I’d have to wait to verify it. If it’s real, and we don't come up with the money in fourteen days, we lose the business—all of it."

Lunch arrived, and they all made a show of eating, although Emerson could tell her sisters weren’t enjoying their food any more than she was. Glancing at her watch, she shook her head.

“Let’s get this boxed up. I need to get to Viktor’s place. I can have the driver drop you two off.”

“You’re going?” Kendra’s voice had a sharp edge as if she was accusing Emerson of something, although Emerson wasn’t sure of what.

"Yes. I see no reason not to. There’s nothing I can do until tomorrow. Maybe Viktor will know a good lawyer.”

“Why not just turn it over to him?” asked Tegan. “I’m sure he’d know how to handle Toney.”

“No doubt,” said Emerson. “But this is our problem, not his."

Kendra’s gaze softened, and she reached out to squeeze Emerson's hand. "Tegan’s right. Romanov could help, but I get it. But we may have no choice. We’re going to need help—from somewhere."

Emerson pulled her hand away, shaking her head. "I don't know. Even if we were willing to sell, I can’t imagine how we could do it in fourteen days. It's impossible. But we have to figure it out."

Kendra nodded, her eyes darkening with determination. "We'll find a way. We have to."

Emerson rose from the table, the weight of the world pressing down on her shoulders. She glanced at the clock again, feeling the minutes slipping away. "Come on. Let’s go.”

After dropping them off, Emerson had the driver take her back to Viktor’s. The Rolls pulled into the parking garage and let her off right in front of Viktor’s private elevator. She punched the button to take her to the top floor, her mind a chaotic jumble as she thought of her family, the company, the debt, the impossible timeline.

She stepped off the elevator, glad of the silence and solitude. She had no idea what he had in mind for tonight so went to stand at the floor-to-ceiling windows. It was as if she could feel his presence even before he stepped off the elevator. She tried to make her face a serene mask.

“Dushka?” he asked softly, wrapping his arms around and tightening them more when she leaned back into him. “Tell me.”

She didn’t even question how he knew. He just did. JJ had once told her that Fitz could always sense what she needed.

“It’s nothing. Just a really long day.”

He nipped her ear—something he did when she’d displeased him. She knew it was supposed to be a small form of discipline, but actually it did nothing to make her feel contrite. What it did was send powerful waves of arousal throughout her body.

“Do not lie to me. Tell me you don’t want to talk to me about it, but do not tell me there is nothing wrong when I can feel it in every fiber of your body.”

“I’m sorry, Master.” Her use of the title seemed to mollify him and was quickly becoming the most natural thing in the world. “It really has been a long day, and it’s just work stuff. I’d really rather it didn’t intrude on the time I spend with you.”

She could feel his hard cock nestled against her backside. “Nothing can touch you here,” he whispered.

“That’s not exactly true,” she said turning in his arms. “You touch me here, and you are quickly becoming my sanctuary.”

His mouth covered hers as he kissed her lips, his tongue slipping gently inside to stroke and dance with her own. It was quietly passionate, deeply comforting, and highly arousing.

“Whatever it is, when you’re ready to tell me, I will be here to listen.”

“And if I choose not to tell you?”

“As long as it does you no harm, I will accept that. If not, I have many, many ways to make you an obedient submissive who tells her master whatever he needs to know.”

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