Page 27 of Viktor

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"Then make me understand," she said softly, her voice breaking.

For a moment, Viktor's expression softened as he trailed his finger down her cheek. He seemed on the verge of telling her the truth, but then he shook his head. "Some secrets are too dangerous to share."

Emerson felt tears pricking at her eyes, frustration boiling over. "You can't keep me in the dark, Viktor. Not if you want this to work."

“There is no if between us. You will trust me, and that is final.”

“It doesn’t work that way.”

“It does for me. Trust me, Emerson. Just know that I will never move against you or your sisters.”

She wanted to trust him, she really did, but the photographs were too damning. "I don't know if I can," she whispered.

“You will, malenkaya. You will.”

He silenced any further protestations by kissing her fiercely, possessively, pouring far more emotion into the kiss than she’d thought he felt for her. Oh sure, she knew he wanted her physically, even suspected there was a part of him that needed control over a woman who was not intrinsically submissive, but there was more to it than that—or was she just telling herself that?

"At least tell me why Toney? He is a douchebag of the first order."

Viktor chuckled in a weary tone. "It's complicated. Toney and I have history—things that go beyond what you saw in those photos and email. It's business, not personal. But ask yourself this—who sent that information to you, and why?"

"I don’t know,” she said honestly.

"What bothers me is that neither do I. And until I do, I can’t help but believe you and your sisters may be in danger. I had planned to talk to you about upgrading your security system. It was ridiculously easy for me to get inside last night. I will see that it is done in the next day or two. Until I am satisfied, I will have a security detail at your house.”

“You can’t just assign a bunch of armed guards to watch over my sisters and I without asking.”

“I assure you; your sisters would not argue with me. They know better. But I will give you a choice—either you agree to the upgrade in security and the guards until I am satisfied that you will be secure in your home, or I move the three of you here to the club."

“And that’s your idea of a compromise?”

“I will not make a compromise where your safety is concerned. I am giving you a choice, and I would think twice before throwing it in my face, as I am not inclined to give you many.”

She took a deep breath, feeling the weight of his words. "Okay," she said finally. "You can upgrade the security, and we’ll agree to a single guard.”

He shook his head. “No. An armed detail. That, or you move here.”

“You can’t just up and move us to wherever you like.”

He chuckled, genuine amusement in his tone. “As I said before, I think you’ll find I can and will do what I like."


Viktor let her doze in his arms. She was a fiery woman with a well of passion he was beginning to believe no one had tapped before. He wondered if even Emerson had guessed its depth. There were things he wanted to share with her, but he didn’t believe she was yet ready to learn them. Until he was convinced of her safety, he would keep her close, but he would not endanger her more than was absolutely necessary.

When he stood up, Emerson moaned and started to wake, but then nestled closer, nuzzling his neck instinctively. She might not want to trust him, but she did. He would prove himself worthy of that trust.

He carried her into the full bath that was attached to his office. As far as he knew, no woman had ever been in there. Damon had kept an executive washroom, but Viktor had expanded it into a spa-like bath for his personal use. Looking around, he realized it was terribly masculine. Perhaps he should encourage Emerson to add some feminine touches.

He set her on the massive vanity, kissing her awake and watching as her body came back online and became aroused all over again. Supporting her with one hand, he drew her sweater up over head and then unfastened and removed her bra.

“Where are we?” she asked, beginning to become more aware of her surroundings.

She was going to be so easy to send into subspace. He could almost fuck her into it now. She might resist him at first, but he would make her let go and give over completely to him.

“We are in my private bath in my office. Are you awake enough to support yourself?”

“Um, sure. What are we doing in here?”

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