Page 17 of Viktor

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“Good girl. Come, malenkaya. Your beauty honors me.”

Downstairs in the lounge, Viktor took his place at his usual table where his back was to the wall, and he could keep his eye on the lounge and on the dungeon below. He’d meant what he’d said to Sterling. If he didn’t discipline Emerson’s sister, then he would see to it himself and he would ensure she received no pleasure from it. From now on, the only woman he would be pleasuring would be Emerson.


Viktor drew her into his lap, ordered a bottle of wine and some hors d’oeuvres, and handed her the contract.

“Submit myself to discipline? Agrees not to have sex with anyone, including self-stimulation and satisfaction unless directed by the Dominant to do so? I’m not having sex with anyone just so you can watch.”

Viktor nipped her ear and whispered as he took the document. “That was not clear. We will both agree that we are in an exclusive relationship. Neither of us will engage in sex with anyone else. You will agree not to masturbate unless I ask you to do so for my enjoyment. I will need you to certify that you are healthy and free of any nasty social diseases, and I am the same. We demand testing every three months at the club.”

“I am healthy and free of anything you could catch. I am also on birth control.”

“Good. I was only willing to wear a condom until such time as you were on an effective means of contraception.”

“No lingerie except that provided by you?”

“Yes, and panties or thongs only when told to do so. Otherwise, I want you naked below.”

Was he nuts? Did he really expect her to agree to this? She felt as if she were Alice having gone down the rabbit hole. The damn thing required her complete and total submission. She hadn’t submitted to anyone in her entire life. She was always the one in charge; always the one who made all the decisions; always the one the burden of everything fell to. Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad thing to turn over control to someone else, even if it were just for a while.

The contract was for three months and then could be extended by mutual agreement. It also obligated him to take care of things and see to her needs. Certainly, he’d proven upstairs he was a sexy beast. It might be liberating to just enjoy having sex with someone who seemed to know what he was doing.

Of course, she thought, it was easy to come to that conclusion with his hand sitting inside her thong and brushing her clit so that it was standing at attention and every fiber of her being was turned on.

She picked up the pen. “What the hell, I can always say no later, right?”

“You can, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I will be obedient to your wishes…”

“But I can safeword…”

“You can, but I intend to make sure you don’t want to.”

When they’d finished their food and drink and both had signed the agreement, Viktor had her dress brought back down from his office. He walked her to the club’s foyer and slipped it over her head, as well as helped her into her sandals. He helped her into the car, running his hand across her ass with an easy familiarity, not giving a damn who saw him. Yes, some might call him arrogant, but Emerson saw it more as complete confidence rooted in understanding exactly who and what he was. He leaned in to kiss her and directed his driver to see her to her door and make sure she and her sisters had activated the alarm.

As he closed the door, the driver pulled away from the club. Emerson turned to watch him disappear back inside. She left with the sense that she’d willingly just walked into his web.



The following morning, Emerson headed down from her bedroom and into the office. It had been a long and frustrating night. She’d never been as aroused or wanted any man the way she wanted Viktor Romanov. She knew she should be approaching this relationship—and she questioned if that was what it was—with trepidation. He was not a man to be trifled with. And what the hell were her sisters up to, and why had they felt a need to keep it from her?

She’d thought about disobeying his edict about masturbation while she was in the shower. Her whole body was crying out for sex and for something more that she sensed only Viktor could give her. She’d had an actual debate with herself—she knew what she needed and had handled herself more times than she could count, but he and his contract had been very clear that from this point forward, he was solely responsible for her sexual satisfaction and pleasure. She’d come so close to touching herself—how would he know? She didn’t know the answer to that, she only knew that somehow, he would know and would punish her for it.

Viktor wanted—no it was more than that, he needed control and he meant to exert that control over her. Why was it that the thought of his doing so aroused her far more than any other sexual experience had? All he’d done so far was play with her, never letting her come but keeping her right on the edge. There was a low throb in her core that pulsed in a relentless rhythm. She knew what she was feeling was being amped up by anticipation, but she suspected that once she’d had him, she would crave him like some intoxicating and exhilarating drug. Emerson’s fear was that she would become addicted to him during the time of their contract. But what then? Would he awaken a need in her no other man could satisfy? She no longer felt like a fly caught in the spider’s web—no, it was far worse than that. She was the proverbial moth drawn to a flame.

They’d discussed punishments. He had assured her that they would be measured and even. That they would be given while she was nude. Most times, he had told her while he plucked and played with her clit in a room full of people, it would be a spanking, some kind of orgasm denial, or forced orgasms. He had whispered that he could tie her up and keep her on the cusp of coming for days if he needed to make his point.

“You will learn to obey me, malenkaya, and you will cherish my discipline,” he whispered in her ear, as he’d used his fingers to stroke around the opening to her core, never quite going in.

“And what if I refuse to obey?”

He chuckled. “Refuse all you like. Never doubt that I will love seeing my discipline on display for everyone in the club to see. If you aren’t careful, I will have you naked across my lap as I spank your beautiful backside until you capitulate. I will then set you in front of me, and you will service me with your mouth until I am ready to forgive you and satisfy your needs.”

“You seem pretty sure of yourself,” she’d said with a nervous laugh.

“Not of myself, but of you. Even the idea of having me spank you turns up the amperage on your arousal. Trust me to see to all your needs, as you will see to mine.”

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