Page 241 of Dirty Pleasures

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My eyes locked onto him.

Be careful, Boris. You may know my mouse and Lunita very well, but I will still rip out your intestines and feed them to you.

So that I wouldn’t kill him right there, I returned to my warnings. “You do not talk to Lunita.”

Boris’s face went stone-cold and betrayed no emotion.

I lifted my lip into a sneer and then spoke, “In fact, you will only wake me up. While Lunita cannot fight, she is fast. She is deadly, and if you fucking touch her, I will kill you, regardless of what damage she has inflicted on you.”

Wassily shifted on his feet but remained silent.

“Lunita is not my mouse.” I placed my gaze back on Emily’s sleeping figure. “Lunita is my mouse’s reflection in a mirror that is. . .distorted and very dangerous. In some ways, Lunita could come off. . .childish. Young. Do not be deceived because it could mean your life.”

I turned back to them. “Again, do not touch Lunita in any way, not even to restrain her.”

Wassily widened his eyes.

“As I am possessive of my mouse, I am possessive of Lunita. Understood?”

They all bobbed their heads.

I put my focus on Boris. “You and I must talk. Privately.”

The rest of the men backed away.

Boris came closer.

How happy are you to watch my mouse this evening? Is your cock hard?

I studied him.

His new appearance—the dark brown afro framing his face and the thick beard obscuring some of the tattoos on his neck—did nothing to erase the history that simmered like a toxic undercurrent beneath the surface of my strained civility.

All knew. . .the only reason why he still breathed was due to Emily, Maxwell, and David.

You are one lucky bastard.

I crossed my arms over my chest and sized him up.

He leaned his weight on the other foot.

“Boris.” A cold, hard edge laced my words. “Your job here is to watch, to protect, not to indulge in past. . .curiosities.”

My eyes flicked briefly to Emily’s serene form before locking back onto his. “Your monitoring is limited strictly to her safety. Any deviation from that, any hint of. . .daydreaming, and the consequences will be severe.”

I could see the memories flickering behind his eyes, the unspoken acknowledgment of that dark time when his obsession had crossed a line. The way he had once spied on our having sex.

And my mouse—so loving and forgiving—wouldn’t even let me dig out one eye.

Do not for one minute believe you are safe, Boris.

The line of my jaw twitched.

While my mouse calmed me. . .there is no such thing as a tamed lion. Just a beast lying in wait for the perfect opportunity.

I curved my lips into a wicked smile. “Do you understand?”

“I understand, Kazimir.” Boris kept his voice steady. “I’m here to protect Emily, nothing more. My. . .past actions, I regret them deeply.”

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