Page 240 of Dirty Pleasures

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War, with its chaos and demand for action, provided the perfect opportunity for ambition.

I remembered how David had risen through the ranks, how the Butcher’s kidnapping of my mouse and all the chaos in Paris had been David’s proving ground.

His loyalty and skill had earned him his position.

I sized up Wassily and Boris.

Will this be their Paris? Their moment to rise.

Tisha nodded at me and then left the bedroom.

Or will this be my cousin’s Paris? His time to redeem himself to my mouse.

I put my view back on Boris and Wassily.

Their stance remained solid, even under my silent scrutiny.

More important, do you both have the fucking balls to deal with Lunita?

I smirked at the thought of my mouse’s alter.

Let us hope your sliced off dicks are not lying neatly by your decapitated heads when I wake up in the morning.

I checked Boris and remembered one fact.

However. . .Lunita put you on her little do-not-kill list. . .

Rage sparked in my chest.

I did my best to shove away my jealousy and I went over to them.

Wassily quirked his brows at my approach.

Boris stiffened.

When I got to them, I kept my voice low. “I am going to sleep. You two are to watch my mouse throughout the night. If Lunita surfaces, wake me up immediately.”

Their response was immediate, a synchronized nod with no hesitation in their demeanor.

I turned to the three men near the door and gestured for them to come.

They hurried over and leaned my way.

My voice was low, yet sliced through the quiet. “There are signs when it comes to Lunita. When she sees that you are in here, she will pretend to be Emily, but she does a horrible job.”

One of them widened his eyes.

I imitated her signature pose. “She will lean her head like this. . .all the way to the side until it lays on her shoulder.”

Another man blinked.

“I do not know why she does this. I actually think she may find comfort with keeping her head angled that way.”

I lifted my head back to normal and scanned their faces.

“Lunita will also hop off the bed like she is a kid heading outside to play.” I raised one finger. “And her walk is odd. But, because you are watching, she will slow it down and do her best to imitate Emily, but again. . .my mouse would simply stroll. Lunita would slowly march.”

Boris nodded in agreement, and I couldn’t help feeling a surge of annoyance at his understanding.

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